Teen Mom 2 Recap: Hugs Not Drugs


It was another big night on the longest running season of Teen Mom 2 EVER.  Kailyn Lowry contemplated marriage, while Leah Messer Sims Calvert considered letting her biological dad be a part of wedding number two.  Jenelle Evans had a hearing for her domestic abuse charges, and Chelsea Houska (surprise, surprise) dropped out of school took a leave of absence from beauty school.  

Kailyn and Javi decided not to get married in Las Vegas.  Instead, they plan to wait until after he's been accepted into the Air Force.  She calls to wish him luck on his entrance exam, and he immediately calls back to tell her that he's passed.  Kailyn offers to take him to a nice dinner to celebrate.

Jenelle and Kieffer are back nesting, but she's worried about the assault charges which have been pressed against both of them.  She meets her friend for lunch and explains the situation.  She's done with Gary…he even took her engagement ring off her finger before the cops arrested them.  Jenelle is happy to have moved on with a more stable Kieffer.  What?  More stable than he was three episodes ago?  Get it together, Jenelle!

Chelsea is missing classes because she has mono, but she's hanging out with a friend who has two children…one is Aubree's age.  They discuss what is going on with Adam and custody, and Chelsea is getting less whiny with each passing week.  Plus, her hair looks so much better dark–it seems she's finally getting herself together!


Leah and Corey are meeting to trade off the twins, and he tells her he thinks it's messed up that she went back on their regular child support agreement.  Leah tells him that all Corey does is play with the girls while she has to feed them and clothe them.  Corey is dumbfounded.  Do the girls just wander around naked and hungry the entire time they are with him?  The guy makes a good point. 


I'll bet that Dustin Sullivan is thanking his lucky stars that he got appointed Jenelle oh so many seasons ago.  She's meeting with him about her recent arrest, and he breaks down her charges.  Dustin thinks that Jenelle has a good defense as the victim in this case. 

Leah, Jeremy, and Leah's mom are trying to plan Leah's big beach wedding while Corey has the girls (who are probably not eating and not wearing clothes).  Leah reveals to her mom that she's been in contact with her biological dad, and he wants to be a part of her life.  She asks her mom if her step-father who has raised her since she was kindergarten would be upset if she asked her biological dad to walk her down the aisle.  Heck, her step-father just walked her down the aisle last year, so he's probably ready for a break!  Leah's mom says they will support whatever she wants to do, but she warns Leah that he's always let her down in the past.

Kailyn's friend stops by to hear Javi's good news.  Kailyn shares that she wants to get married quickly so she can start getting benefits and extra money from the Air Force.  She still wants a proposal, engagement ring, and big wedding, but that all may come after a courthouse ceremony.  The only thing that Kailyn is worried about is Jo's reaction.  Meanwhile, Jo is eating dinner with his mom and they are discussing how awkward Jo's relationship is now with Kailyn after she accused him of domestic violence.

For like the eighteenth time this season, Chelsea is asked to move out yet again.  She's still home sick and considering taking a leave of absence from school.  Moving is just too stressful to do while going to school, y'all!


Barbara is bringing over Jace to visit with Jenelle.  Jenelle tells her mom about her meeting with Dustin, and she fills in Barbara on her new, mature relationship with Kieffer.  Barbara doesn't mind having Jace around Kieffer, but she warns her daughter that the older Jace gets he's going to wonder why Mommy has so many boyfriends.  Kieffer comes out of Jenelle's bedroom where he's been playing video games, and Barbara is impressed to hear that he got his GED while in jail.  Kieffer decides it is the perfect opportunity to make Barbara uncomfortable by forcing a group hug on her.  Barbara certainly has mellowed a lot over the course of this show!

Leah has a pow-wow with her step-father about having both he and her father walk her down the aisle.  If her father is willing to grow a relationship with her, she wants to give him the opportunity.  Like her mom, Leah's step-dad is supportive but has the same reservations when it comes to her biological dad's ability to keep his word.

Chelsea's dad comes by to chat about her taking a leave of absence from school.  She's starting to get whiny again about being stressed and overwhelmed.  Chelsea's father is worried that she won't actually go back to school once she takes the time off, but she promises she will be back in beauty school once she feels settled.

Kailyn calls her lawyer to find out the process behind modifying her custody agreement in the event that she and Isaac relocate with Javi.  Her attorney shares that nothing needs to take effect until he gets his orders to relocate.  Kailyn is also excited to learn that she can marry Javi first and tell Jo after the fact.  Something just sounds so sneaky about that given that it's Kailyn.


Jenelle heads to the courthouse with Kieffer and she's hoping that Dustin can get her out of the charges.  Kieffer wishes he could kick Gary's arse.  When Gary leaves the court, Kieffer menacingly walks after him until he gets into a car and speeds away.  Sure, that is the perfect way to prove you're a responsible adult…try to beat up your girlfriend's ex on the steps of the courthouse!  Barbara tries to call Jenelle and becomes livid when she hears Kieffer's voice on the voicemail message.  He's using her phone and her car?  Sounds like Kieffer is just flat out using Jenelle!  When Gary and Jenelle return home from the hearing, and I'd bet money that Kieffer is high as a kite the way he's rambling on about his behavior. 

Leah is hoping that her dad will be a bigger part of her daughters' lives as well as her own, and she calls to ask him if he wants to join Lee in walking her down the aisle.  He is excited to be a part of this ceremony, and they talk tentatively about forming a stronger father-daughter bond.

Once she's feeling better, Chelsea goes to meet with the director of the beauty school to take a month's leave of absence.  The director tells her that her grades are really low, but her attendance is even lower.  Chelsea whines about how tough moving is, and the director hands over the paperwork while giving Chelsea a pep talk.  Chelsea is concerned that her classmates don't think she'll be back…clearly they know her better than she thinks!

Kailyn drops off Isaac at Jo's, and at least the pair is being civil.  She takes Javi out to dinner, and he is excited about joining the Air Force.  Kailyn is nervous about telling Jo, but she informs Javi that she expects a proper proposal. 

Next week, Javi proposes to Kailyn, Barbara and Jenelle fight over how much time Jenelle spends with Jace, and Leah and Jeremy tie the knot. 


[Photo Credit: MTV]