Former Millionaire Matchmaker Contestant Michael Prozer Pleads Guilty To Mail, Wire And Bank Fraud! Bank Suffers $3 Million In Losses


One former Millionaire Matchmaker contestant went to the extreme to make himself look like he was worth a million bucks (400 million he claimed!), and now, he’s facing time in federal prison! Wow–hope those 15 minutes were worth it!

Michael Prozer, who appeared on season two of the matchmaking show, plead guilty yesterday to the charges of bank, wire, and mail fraud, just as jury selection was about to begin.

Michael paraded himself as the wealthy owner of Xchangeagent Inc., an online payment service for South America.  He claimed that he owned a mansion, a private jet, and more, but it was all lies.  (GASP!  Someone lied to get on a reality TV show!??)

In fact, Michael was a con man of the highest order. He paid a Wachovia Bank employee, Fedor Stanley Salinas, $25,000 to help him fake documents in order to secure a $3 million bank loan.  Salinas helped Prozer manufacture documents showing that he had over $21 million in deposits at Wachovia in order to get a multi-million dollar business loan from Park Avenue Bank in Georgia. (Which has reportedly closed its doors over the huge loss!)

The two were caught and indicted last April, but even then, Prozer tried to pretend that he was a high roller and kept up the lies.  He told the judge that he would be putting up bail and that his “high profile defense attorney” was going to prove him innocent, but neither promise ever became a reality.  After he tried to represent himself several times, the court finally had enough and appointed him an attorney.

The court was shocked when he finally caved and plead guilty yesterday. His cohort, Salinas, also entered a guilty plea this week.  They both face sentencing in August.

Ladies, get in line! This fella will be available again in 15-20. What a catch! So glad to see the producers did a thorough background check on that guy.