Taylor Armstrong Receiving Death Threats; RadarOnline Confirms Lisa Vanderpump Not Selling Stories; Cedric Blames Bravo For Russell’s Suicide

Anyone who thought Real Housewives of Beverly Hills would go quietly, was wrong! The reality show is filled to the brim with drama on and off the screen and the fallout from the Part One of the epic reunion has been massive; with the stars fighting acrylic nail and extension to clear their good-ish names!

In response to the hotly contested footage of this season’s story, Taylor Armstrong has found herself maligned by fans and accused of exactly what Cedric infers below. While I do not believe Taylor goaded Russell into taking his own life, I do believe there is doubt to many of her claims and I do think she has handled his death irresponsibly and with little regard to his children – including the daughter they shared.

It is apparent that many fans feel similarly and some have taken it to a whole new level. Following the reunion Taylor was the recipient of several death threats through Twitter from a follower known as Hardboiledpeggs.

“See u on February 7 ill be there with a book and a rope so i can kidnap u,” @Hardboiledpeggs wrote. Taylor responded with,”Don’t ever contact me again.” The user persisted, this time involving Taylor’s daughter, Kennedy! “Turn around bright eyes every now and then, Kennedy’s dead,” the clearly deranged user threatened. A screenshot of the Tweets is below. They are truly disgusting!

The Twitter user @hardboiledpeggs has since been deleted. No one was harmed and so far the threats have been baseless, however Taylor is rightfully taking this very seriously and contacted the authorities.

“Taylor absolutely freaked out when she read the death threats. These were credible serious threats against Taylor and her daughter, Kennedy. The Tweets that were sent to Taylor have been turned over to the FBI,” a law enforcement source reports to RadarOnline. “Taylor is assisting the FBI with the investigation, and she wants the person responsible for the the threats prosecuted.”

“Taylor will be consulting with security professionals and assess what changes she needs to increase,” the source adds. “Her first concern when she got the threats was Kennedy, but her daughter is safe, and that is all that matters to Taylor. She will do whatever is necessary to protect herself and Kennedy.”

Increased security will also be present at Taylor’s February 7th book signing in NJ to ensure the safety of both herself and other fans.

Moving on as discussing the tumultuous first part of the reunion is RHOBH’s most notorious hanger-on, the sometimes nefarious, often unbelievable Cedric Martinez. He really needs to move on already, doesn’t he? Cedric is giving his two-cents about what happened and claiming his version of the truth. My advice – take it with a grain of salt, but some of it rings true!

Releasing a statement to Reality Tea through his publicist, Cedric admits his famewhoring predilections and he isn’t ashamed! “YES, I am a fame whore,” Cedric exclaims “But there is a huge difference between someone like me, pursuing opportunities on reality TV (and exposing the lies and viciousness of reality stars) versus people like Lisa [Vanderpump] and Taylor [Armstrong], who exploit opportunities on reality TV by lying about, and misrepresenting themselves and others.”

And with that, here we go! Speaking about the behind the scenes feud between former friends and neighbors Lisa and Adrienne Maloof, Cedric claims there was some veracity to Adrienne’s accusations. “The truth about Lisa’s lies and smear campaigns is right there in front of your eyes. Lisa lurks in the shadows, like a snake on her belly. But with a little effort, you can help me expose the truth…,” Cedric says, lambasting his former friend.

Cedric accuses Lisa of having a relationship with the ‘bloids and exploiting said relationship to garner favorable press. I hate to burst his bubble but almost all celebrities do this to a degree – even A-Listers! “Lisa is technically right when she says she doesn’t SELL stories to the tabloids. She doesn’t. But the truth is not on Lisa’s side… Lisa TRADES stories (on celebrities and the other housewives) for favorable press for herself and her restaurants; and sometimes for negative press about her enemies. I’ve seen her do it hundreds of times. And I have proof.”

Gleefully defending newbie Brandi Glanville, Cedric supports her campaign to expose the nefarious dealings of some of her co-stars, all in an effort to get herself on the show, of course! “You gotta give the girl credit… the other housewives want Brandi off the show, now. But she’s hanging on for dear life by exposing the truth and rattling the other housewives cages. Oh how I wish the lies the producers told about our ‘long-term friendship’ were true.”

“Brandi is a breath of fresh air and, remember, she was the first person to call out Kim [Richards]‘s obvious drug abuse and alcoholism. And she didn’t buy Taylor’s “innocent victim” act for one minute. I’m rooting for Brandi but I’m predicting Lisa and Kyle will use their unbridled power over the weak producers to kick her off the show just like they did to me!” Considering Lisa and Brandi have struck up some sort of a friendship, we’ll have to wait and see!

Cedric’s most shocking and intriguing accusations concern Bravo’s role in Russell Armstrong‘s suicide. “Last night’s RHOBH Reunion episode was very sad. Not because Lisa was getting crushed under the weight of her own lies. That was hilarious! No, it was sad because Bravo, the producers, Taylor, Lisa and Kyle [Richards] once again used the power of a hit TV show to trash the memory of a dead man,” Cedric asserts.

And while Cedric admits that Russell was clearly no saint, he insinuates that both Bravo and Taylor played a role in Russell’s decision and besmirching his memory! Ceddy’s got some cojones! You can read the remainder of his statement below. In order to get the truth out there, Cedric also evokes fans to convince Andy Cohen to book him as a guest on Watch What Happens Live. Somehow I doubt that will happen…

Finally, it was the slander accusation heard round the world, ok, well round the blogosphere as Adrienne accused Lisa of selling stories to RadarOnline, citing a “source” told her. RadarOnline is speaking out in defense of Lisa and denying there is any truth the rumor. They are also defending Adrienne and Camille Grammer, explaining that they really were told that by a source! Luckily it seems the ladies have patched this “misunderstanding” up!

“Don’t blame Adrienne for accusing Lisa, she was told wrong info by person not from Radar,” RadarOnline.com’s Executive Vice President, David Perel, said via Twitter. Adding, “I don’t blame Adrienne at all! Totally not her fault. She was given wrong info.”

Following the shout out in their support, both Lisa and Adrienne thanked Mr. Perel. “Thank you for your support, I know what @TheRealCamilleG and I were told. Moving fwd in a positive direction! xoA” Adrienne Tweeted.

As for the mysterious source who seems to believe Madame Vanderfabulous accepted a whopping $25k in exchange for information (what on earth would be worth that much dough, I wonder?), Radar assures fans they are investigating! “Dealing with it behind the scenes,” Mr. Perel wrote.




The remainder of Cedric Martinez’s statement –

“Russell was far from perfect. And physical abuse is always wrong. But the Russell-Taylor marriage was a helluva lot more complicated than the ‘broke abuser commits suicide’ narrative RHOBH has shoved down viewers’ throats.”

“Although Russell was ultimately responsible for his own actions, Taylor (and the producers) greatly contributed to the suicide of a broken man. And despite a well-orchestrated character assassination, Russell’s blood is on their hands.”

“To deflect attention away from their own negligence and liability, the producers presented a false premise that ‘Poor victim Taylor is right and evil Russell was wrong;’ completely ignoring the fact that they were both lying fame whores who got in way over their heads and frequently got “physical.” “

“Thou dost protest too much Taylor. The release of a book six month’s after her husband’s suicide speaks volumes about Taylor’s desperation and self-loathing. Her insta-memoir will further bury Russell’s memory with lies and half-truths, of which he can’t defend himself against. Sad. Especially for Russell’s children, Kennedy, Griffin and Aiden.”