VIDEO – Kim Richards Admits “I’m An Alcoholic” On RHOBH Reunion; Taylor Armstrong Terrified Of Being Fired & Shocking Excepts From Memoir!

“I’m an alcoholic,” are the not so shocking words being uttered by Kim Richards in a newly released clip from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 2 reunion.

Today, Bravo released the first previews for the reunion which will not only be dramatic, but will also be in three parts. While Kim was unable to attend the reunion taping, due to her recent stint in rehab, she did manage to do a sit down interview with Andy Cohen during which she finally admits her drinking problem.

The dramatic preview for the RHOBH 3-part reunion is below. Part I airs Monday, January 30 on Bravo at 9/8c. Part II airs Feb. 6, and Part III airs Feb. 13.

Kim’s substance abuse issues first came to light early last year after her sister Kyle Richards revealed her alcoholism during their big limo fight.

Last week it was reported that Taylor Armstrong was definitely returning for the third season of , but like they say on Project Runway, “One day you’re in, the next day you’re out!”

RadarOnline is reporting that Bravo is seeing the light, listening to the fans and possibly writing Lady Armstrong that severance check!

“Taylor is absolutely freaked out at the possibility of not returning for a third season,” a source reveals. “Even though there has been a ratings bump this season because of the suicide, Taylor knows the criticism she has endured because of the tragedy. Taylor needs this job, she doesn’t have any other source of income, period.”

“She is fearful that producers of the show are going to cut her because she is seen as a liability to the show.” In light of the recent drama surrounding Taylor she may have a point. Additionally, Bravo structured the entire second season of RHOBH around her storyline to great fan dissatisfaction.

Taylor is defending herself against the recent rumors of being fired. “It’s not true,” she told RumorFix. “We have not even been picked up for season three.” While appearing on the Today Show on Tuesday, Andy Cohen announced there will be no cast changes and Bravo has made no decisions about season three. I find that hard to believe in light of the fan reactions to this season!

Finally, Taylor’s memoir Hiding From Reality is due in stores next month and I know y’all are waiting with bated breath to hear what she has to say; so you’re in luck! In order to drum up sales and excitement for the tell-all, Us Weekly is releasing some of the more gory excerpts.

Among her shocking allegations, she insists Russell was going to force her to abort her baby if it wasn’t a girl! “Russell wanted to keep the baby only if it was a girl. Because he already had two boys. At five weeks I took a blood test and mailed in the sample to learn the gender, and fate, of our baby.”

Taylor claims Russell controlled every aspect of her life and she constantly lived in fear of being recorded. “I always assumed I was being recorded in the car and at home,” Taylor’s book reads. “I was always careful to make sure the content of my conversations was very clear.”

The reality star insists her attempts to fight back made matters worse and that Russell’s abuse was calculated. “He would grab my hair and bang my head against the side of the car between the two door. Or against the glass of the passenger window while he was driving, because it made his point to me but didn’t leave a visible mark.”

Asserting that Russell believed he would kill her, Taylor claims he blamed her for his violent outbursts. “Don’t ever do that again because I almost killed you,” Russell reportedly told Taylor. “One of these days I’m afraid I’m going to kill you.”

Taylor realized she needed to leave Russell after his abuse caused her a dislocated cornea that could have left permanent danger. “Hearing that I was in danger of having a lifelong deformity from something that Russell had done to me was enough to finally snap me out of the spell Russell had over me,” she writes. “When my assistant and I got home from my doctor’s appointment, I told her to pack a bag for Kennedy.”

Hiding From Reality: My Story of Love, Loss, and Finding the Courage Within hits stores February 7th — just after RHOBH finishes airing!

[Photos Credit: WENN]