RHONJ’s Teresa Giudice Continues To Slam Co-Stars! Claims They Have “Porn Pasts, Previous Arrests & Unstable History”

Real Housewives of New Jersey is the gift that keeps on giving! Following last week’s excoriating Bravo blog, Teresa Giudice is claiming the network edited out a portion of her sentiments and she has released the “pieces” that were cut. The reality star posted the complete, unedited version on her personal webpage for your shock and amusement. Oh, lawdy!

In installment two of Teresa vs. the other Housewives — Teresa continues to call out her cast mates and family members that happen to be cast mates! She definitely wants the public (and Bravo!) to know she is not taking a beating lying down. So, when is Celebrity Deathmatch Jersey Style happening? Oh wait… I think it’s already begun!

Teresa starts things off by insisting she is innocent of having a relationship with the tabloids! “I can’t believe Jacqueline Laurita thinks I put out a magazine story that says bad things about ME on the cover. How does that even make sense? I’m not even going to try and follow her logic anymore.”

She also echos what most of us believe — that Caroline Manzo is a little silly arguing her adult children (who signed releases and received payment from Bravo) did not sign up to be a part of the show. “I can’t believe Caroline told the media her ‘children didn’t sign up for this.’ They are grown adults and they actually did literally sign up for it. They have contracts and got paid. What do you call that? And Caroline keeps telling Jacqueline to let Ashley [Holmes] grow up?…” Oooohhhh… sometimes the truth hurts, Mama Manzo!

Accusing Caroline and Jacqueline of being the ones who hold grudges, Teresa brings up She Who Should Not Be Named, New Jersey version: Danielle Staub (her new Twitter frienemy and the reason all this nonsense originally began!) “I know Caroline and Jacqueline obsess about things and people and revenge (What sane person would stalk Danielle’s ex-husband? What sane person would be friends with Kim G? That’s just ugly.).” Teresa better watch out as she appears to be the next target they have selected to “obsess” over!

Also, hinting that Jacqueline might just be having that rumored breakdown we’ve been hearing about, she states: “I just hope she gets well… “ Well, I just hope Chris Laurita deletes her Twitter! How does girl have time to associate with Kim G when she spends day and night Tweeting the masses?!

Then, Teresa actually makes a fair point (don’t hurt me for saying it!) about how reality TV and family may not mix. “Caroline and Jacqueline and Dina [Manzo] signed up for the show TOGETHER AS A FAMILY. It was the first time a family joined any Real Housewives show which I think is what made it so interesting from the beginning. I was just the friend on the sidelines with my juicy husband any my fab-u-lous girls,” she explains.

“I thought it was very brave to go on a show with your family, and I wouldn’t have done it. Watching what being on TV together did to the Manzo and Laurita family is EXACTLY WHY I didn’t want my family on the show with me. Seeing all the hurt they went through, I would be crazy to want the same thing for my family.” Except the one thing I will say in the Manzo and Laurita famblees’ favors is that they kept their family drama off the air which, as we know, is the opposite of the Gorgadiceakiles!

Teresa point blank accuses Melissa Gorga and Kathy Wakile of coming on the show to “hurt” her! “They didn’t come on like the Manzos first did, just to show the world how a real family looks,” she argues. “They came on to hurt me, insulting me and my husband and my kids from the very first episode through the last (is there a single episode they didn’t say something nasty about me? My own family?).” They insulted her kids?

“I would hope Melissa and Kathy wouldn’t have sold their own sisters down the river for a shot at 15 minutes of fame, but I’m not their sister, and I think they don’t think they care about the hurt it causes me and my parents because we’re not their immediate family.”

Explaining she was “worried” about her family experiencing the negative sides of fame, Teresa reveals she attempted to warn them about the tabloids and becoming victims of “made up stories.”

“I told them stuff they didn’t want to talk about would come up, that people from their past would try and take them down, that journalists would dig through their lives… Melissa told me she didn’t care. Then Melissa brings it up at the reunion as if I was trying to scare her off the show? It’s just twisted. Sad and twisted.”

Teresa goes on to call out her cast mates for having “skeletons” in their closets. “I don’t lay in bed at night worrying that my porn past or previous arrests or unstable history is going to come out because I don’t have any of those things,” she wrote. No names on who has a porn past or an arrest history!

And she insists whatever her family members might reveal about her didn’t matter! “I wasn’t worried that they would come on and expose me because there’s nothing to expose.” Ok, Teresa may not have what she considers skeletons – but isn’t her husband Jr Mafia Joe Giudice possibly facing jail time for multiple offenses, including a DUI? And then there’s that never-ending bankruptcy… And the cheating allegations

Teresa also points out some of the unsavory behaviors of her co-stars (I think she ignored some of her own déclassé behaviors)! “I didn’t expose my daughter’s problems to the world, judging her for a difficult time in her life in front of all of America. That was Jacqueline. I didn’t make fun of my niece/cousin and criticize her all the time and tell the world I thought my daughter was fat and ugly. That was Caroline and her kids. I don’t have a pre-teen son on Twitter using curse words and insulting my own family. That’s Kathy. Bravo, ladies! Class acts, all of you!” She forgot to mention: ‘I didn’t have sex with my husband in a public bathroom on national TV. That was Melissa.’ Really though, class and RHONJ do not mix! Isn’t that why we watch?!

Reality TV doesn’t define me,” Teresa concludes, neither do “big fat bullies who puff hot air because no one will listen to them don’t phase me, rumors don’t keep me up at night. I have my family, we all have our health, we live a very normal, happy life of Sunday school and dance lessons and birthdays and trips to Costco. I am moving on and up to amazing new things.” Keep us posted, T!

And in other RHONJ news Teresa nemesis #1 (or 2 or 3…) Caroline, along with hubby Albert Manzo (sure has been doing a lot of appearances to save face with his wife lately), were spotted at Michael’s restaurant in NYC meeting with editors from People Magazine and Bravo’s SVP of Communication Jennifer Geisser. Which only means one thing – the New Jersey drama isn’t ending anytime soon!

I predict a sob-story interview about her feud with Dina and finally breaking her silence about the brawl in Punta Cana involving the Manzo boys, which likely demoted Teresa from “like family” to “acquaintance” status! I wonder if she’ll also mention Teresa’s – Oops! I mean Jacqueline’s – latest financial woes?! Who would have expected NJ Bankruptcy 2.0!

Here’s my two cents: Either Teresa knows big controversy brings big ratings (which means big dollars and endorsements for her) or she is just furious, fighting, spitting mad. Either way, Teresa garners a lot of attention and keeps things interesting – whether you like her or not! Admit it, she makes a few fair points in her blog, although she certainly fights dirty!

Don’t worry – whatever happens us minions at Reality Tea will continue to work round the clock slaving to bring you the latest gossip. 😉