Is Bachelorette Ashley Hebert Left With Even More Lying Duds?

Bachelorette Ashley

Poor Ashley Hebert…she’s looking for love on the Bachelorette but can’t seem to catch a break. We have watched the train wreck that is Bentley Williams all but derail her quest to find her Prince Charming, and then a report came out stating the man she chose aka her fiance is a womanizer.

So are the remaining suitors as perfect as they seem? On the most recent episode, Ames Brown, the Manhattan financier who seems shy yet smooth, gains flirty points with Ashley for a lame make-out session in an elevator. He is also riding on his sympathy points from two episodes ago when he got a concussion during a round of Thai boxing. I don’t know about you, but I think that had Ames not gone to the hospital, he wouldn’t have been around this week for me to blog about on Reality Tea.

As skeletons of the final guys come running out of their closets, those closest to them are quick to send their warnings to Ashley…all out of the goodness of their hearts and not because they want to see themselves quoted in a tabloid. Case in point, an ex-girlfriend of Ames’ reveals to Life and Style, that while he did graduate from an Ivy League School, he’s hardly the “portfolio manager” his Bachelorette bio proclaims.

The mystery lady says, “Ames never has real jobs. He just gets degrees and travels around.” To that I say, why is that bad? He clearly has the funds to do what he wants, so what if Ashley has to spend a couple years traveling with her over-educated, under-employed world-traveling husband? I mean, besides the fact that he can’t handle a punch and seems slightly awkward in social situations, what’s the problem?

And it doesn’t end there…from the over-educated to the over-excited, people from Ryan Park’s past are coming forward to explain that over-eager solar energy executive from California (who is not well liked among his fellow cast mates, to put it nicely) is only on the show to promote himself. A source reveals, “He broke up with his girlfriend right before he went on the show because he told her he wasn’t ready to get married and didn’t feel like marriage was in his future.” Hmmm…it makes sense to do that before going on a show where you don’t win money or vacations or excessive material things, but instead you are trying to win A SPOUSE.

We’ll all have to wait and see if these accusations have a grain of truth or if some scorned ex-girlfriends are just looking for their fifteen minutes seconds of fame. Regardless, I’ll bet that Bentley is thanking his lucky stars that he won’t be the only one with sketchy motives when the guys are put in Chris Harrison’s hot seat on The Men Tell All.

The show is on hiatus tonight. It returns next week with the all new interview with Emily Maynard.