The Real Housewives of OC Return Tonight With Season 6! Plus Jim Bellino Quits Show

They’re officially back! The Real Housewives of Orange County, aka the first blondes ladies of Bravo housewives, return tonight for their sixth season.

And judging from the previews, the drama is still alive and well amongst some of the cast members. In fact, Gretchen Rossi and Tamra Barney pickup their feud from seasons past tonight when they go at it during a get together after Gretchen refers to Tamra as an “evil bitch.”

Meanwhile, it seems new “housewife” Fernanda Rocha, 34, might be getting the Jennifer Gilbert treatment this season. Who is Jennifer Gilbert you ask? Well, Jennifer was cast to be a housewife on the Real Housewives of NYC last season, only to get the shaft during the season, by being demoted to an extra. Fernanda, who is openly bisexual, is noticeably absent from the official cast photo above, though she does appear in another one.

And when Vicky Gunvalson was asked about Fernanda, this is what Vicky had to say –  “ [Fernanda]’s not really one of the Housewives. She’s somebody that comes in and socializes with us, but I don’t really know how we’re labeling Fernanda this year. We’ve haven’t really been told. I know her very little still. I don’t work out with her. I don’t socialize with her. She seems like a sweet girl.”

And finally, Alexis Bellino revealed in a recent interview with the E! network that her husband Jim Bellino quit the show. Reason? Jim apparently felt Bravo gave him a “jerk” edit last season. “He’s pretty much against the show,” Alexis revealed. “All they want to do is rip him apart.”

Watch What Happens Live – OC Housewives Tamra Barney and Vicki Gunvalson will be joining Andy Cohen in the Bravo clubhouse tonight.

The Real Housewives of Orange Country premieres at 10 p.m. (EST) on Bravo. Below is a preview clip –