Kate Gosselin Complains On “Miserable” Camping Trip With Sarah Palin

On last night’s episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, TLC tried a cruel and unusual experiment by putting together arguably two of the most controversial women/public figures in recent times.

Kate Gosselin and her plus eight made a special appearance on Sarah Palin’s show this weekend, as she joined the Palin family for what was supposed to be a fun camping adventure.

Kate however made that impossible as she pretty much whined and complained from the minute she got there. In fact, Palin’s father put it best when he stated Kate “bitched from the moment she got off the plane.”

“Look there’s a bear on the floor, did anyone notice?” said Kate in a patronizing tone upon arriving at Sarah’s home and things only got worse from there. Below are just a few of Kate’s bitchy comments through out the show –

“I’m worried about my toes; they’re freezing.”

“I’ve been bitten [by bugs] about 200 times — it’s horrible.”

“I’m miserable, but somebody’s gotta be.”

“This is cruel and unusual punishment.”

And before the camping trip was officially over, the Kate Plus 8 mom decided she was over the entire thing. “This is ridiculous!” Kate shrieked. “I just don’t get it! There are no paper towels! I’m freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid! … I held it together as long as I could, and I’m done now.”

Yikes. As for Sarah Palin’s response to Kate’s bad attitude, she tweeted the following – “Life=10% circumstances, 90% your reaction to circumstances. Sunday’s “Sarah Palin’s AK ‘Alaskan Hospitality'” episode illustrates that a bit.”