Danielle Staub Talks Fight, Show Drama & Castmates; Plus New Kim G. Interview

Sex tape Queen and part time reality star Danielle Staub is telling it all in a new interview with Parade.com.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star discusses her castmates, the upcoming fight that led to the arrest of Ashley Holmes, her faux lesbian relationship with Lori Michaels and her current relationship with the two Kims.

Excerpts from Danielle’s interview

She’s looking forward to next week’s episode.

“It’s going to position me in a place of power. It was a turning point for me to realize just how dark people can get. I think it’s going to become clear to the viewers who exactly is obsessing with whom. You’re going to see a little bit of yourself in these other women, and you’re going to see a little bit of yourself in me. I want people to understand that they should not feel sorry for me, I’m not a victim.”

Social-networking backlash.

Why do these women not want to be around me, yet all they do is talk about me, tweet about me, Facebook about me, hire people to tweet about me and Facebook about me? And even have all their kids doing the same thing? It’s a disgusting waste of time.”

She’s not keeping tabs on the Manzos.

“I don’t know where they are and what they are doing because I block them. I don’t find their lives to be that interesting. Ham game? I think it’s a disgusting waste of food.”

Keeping her relationship with friend and duet partner Lori Michaels under wraps.

“Lori and I are working on the remixes of the song. She’s my friend in many aspects and ways, which I will not go into. I will keep people on the edge of their seats for that. She wrote that song and it just grabbed me when I was going through the demos. It’s a tortured lullaby. We’re digitally releasing it probably mid-July. Lori and I together are an incredible team. I’ve just begun.”

The other Real Housewives show where she’d love make a guest appearance.

“New York City baby, cause Jill’s my girl.”

Is she still friends with the two Kims?

“They never were my friends. They were opportunists. And I’m going to leave it at that. I will not exploit their want and need to be on television. I get paid to do what I do on television, they don’t. They’re doing that for free, that’s an opportunist.”

Speaking of the two Kims (who happen to be sister-in-laws by the way), Kim Granatell aka Kim G. also granted an interview to Zap2It.  Kim G. discusses her portrayal on the show, her relationship with Danielle now, and her thoughts on Caroline Manzo and the rest of the cast.

Excerpts from Kim G’s interview below –

We have to be honest. You have come off as the evil Kim G. for your association with Danielle. What is your take on how you’ve been portrayed?

Look. Let me ask you this question? Have we not brought some great drama to the show this year? I don’t want to sit in [Danielle’s] house and eat grilled cheese sandwiches. You know what I’m saying? We’re in the same boat basically. She was single. I was single. I love to wear beautiful clothes. She likes to wear beautiful clothes. We have a silly personality. But, she’s very calculating and dangerous and devious. I’m devious to a point, but I’m not going to hurt nobody. I would never have a girl arrested. There’s a lot of things she does where my skin just crawls.

So, to get it straight. What is your relationship with Danielle now?

None. She was making her bed and digging a deeper hole. She did it many times and I just kept giving her chances. How many chances do I give someone? I had had enough.

How are your kids dealing with the fact their mom is on TV and everyone thinks she’s evil?

My kids are cool. They don’t care. My kids are fine. You know they’re very grounded. They love it.

Caroline told us that she doesn’t hold a grudge against you. She wishes you would’ve behaved better at The Brownstone, but she has forgiven it all. She also says you were never friends, so it’s not like you double-crossed her.

That’s right. I’ve never even been in her house. That’s correct. My son and her have a very tight relationship, but I have a philosophy. I don’t get involved with the parents of my kids’ friends, because I don’t want to ruin their relationship. I have my friends. I don’t need to have more friends. She’s like Mother Superior. I’m not in grade school here.

Teresa’s party planner, Elvira Grau, has been in the news basically claiming to be the new housewife. What do you think of her?

What do I think? She needs to go to finishing school. She better clean her mouth out a little bit. She basically talks through her… I’m not going to say it. She’s not dramatic enough in my eyes. I don’t know why she would go about doing that. She looks stupid. Why would she say that?

Are you in talks with Bravo to join the cast next season?

Can’t say anything right now. We don’t know. You know Bravo is very tightlipped. They don’t say anything. I’m being honest with you. I would never, ever, ever go around saying anything unless it was true. You know, do people want me? I get stopped on the streets all the time, ‘We love you. We love you. You bring energy to the show. You’re great. You’re this, you’re that.’ You know what I’m saying?