Preview Real Housewives of NYC Finale, Plus Ramona Says Kelly “Absolutely Not” Doing Better Since Meltdown

Real Housewives of New York City

It seems time has flown fast when it comes to the unprecedented dramatic third season of the Real Housewives of New York City.

Tonight is the finale and here’s what we can expect. As Ramona prepares for the special day of her wedding renewal, she gets a last minute visit from Jill, who wants to re-hash all that went down during her surprise visit in St. John. And while Bethenny Frankel prepares for her new life by moving downtown with her fiancé Jason, she must face her past when she and Jill finally meet for lunch to discuss their broken friendship. A video preview is below.

We also reported this week that a “source” told Life&Style magazine that Jill and Bethenny are working to mending their friendship. Well according to Ramona, the story is false and Bethenny and Jill “are not friends again.”

As for the anticipated reunion, Ramona reveals it “got hectic” and that “Two people walked off. One person got up and stomped her foot!” And when it comes to Kelly’s mental well being since the her infamous breakdown in St John, Ramona says Kelly “is absolutely not” doing better. “She goes in and out,” says Ramona.

Kelly Bensimon PSAAnd since we’re on the topic of Kelly Bensimon, who continues to take a downward spiral into crazyville, especially after releasing her home-made anti-bullying PSA video (screen shot above). Must say using an important issue such as bullying to selfishly serve her own agenda is a bit disgusting. Even more disgusting considering this woman was arrested just a year ago for punching her boyfriend in the face. Seems like Kelly knows a lot about bullying.

In a new interview with Access Hollywood, the 42-year-old moron mother of two, is now claiming Bravo forced her to go on the St. John trip. “I was asked by Bravo to go, I didn’t want to go,” she told AH on Wednesday. “These women are not for me. Clearly, Ramona does not like me …I went against my will and the minute I got there, it was everything I hate.”

“They’re playing a game. We’re playing two different games. I’m playing basketball and they’re playing hockey,” continued Kelly. “And they want blood.”

In other housewives news, Jill Zarin did a new interview with TV Guide, and she is now blaming Alex McCord for being turned away in St. John. Below are excepts from Jill’s interview –

“I think had Alex not cared whether I stayed or left, I could have gotten past it. But for whatever influence Alex has over Ramona right now worked… Alex wants to make herself more important on the show, and I totally respect that. And this was her way of doing it. This was her way of creating a place for herself to stay on the show. Without the drama of what she’s been doing, she really doesn’t have a place on the show. In the finale, you’ll see there’s a moment with Alex where she wants to talk to me. I just remove myself from it. I have nothing against her, I’m just not going to give her another shot at me since her history with me is to attack me unprovoked. I’ve done nothing to her. In the first two seasons I was the only one who supported her, and now all of a sudden she found this voice and wants to attack me.”

So according to delusional Jill, Alex is controlling Ramona, and that was the reason she got kicked off crazy Island. Delusional Jill also can’t fathom why Alex could possibly dislike her, despite the fact that she has spent the past two seasons of the show constantly taking digs at Alex and her family.

The preview clip of Bethenny and Jill’s meet up is below –