Preview The Real Housewives of New Jersey: Danielle Vs the Manzos

Real Housewives of New Jersey 2

Tonight brings us episode 5 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Last week, Danielle Staub introduced us to her two ex-con friends who will protect her from the big bad Manzos. Below is Jacqueline’s hilarous take on that whole situation, taken from her bravo blog –

“Introducing tweetle dumb and tweetle dumber! Are these guys actually coming on national TV and playing that Wangster card? Seriously? No one is listening Danielle, and nobody cares! If Danny really was the wiseguy he and Danielle are trying so hard to portray him to be, I am SURE his superiors are not too happy with him right now. I don’t think a real wiseguy would go on national TV and announce that to the world. It wouldn’t be very smart. Although, it might be good for his acting career. Hmmm. Danielle did nothing but make herself look like a paranoid lunatic who brings ex felons around her and into the lives of her children. Danielle claims 25 years ago she fell into the wrong crowd. Does she feel that today she is surrounding herself with a better crowd? Check again, devout Catholic. Birds of a feather, huh? Are felons even allowed to associate with other felons while on probation? I thought that was not allowed. Is it appropriate for Danielle to choose to bring those felons, for the reasons she chose to bring them, to a sensitive benefit for a family who is fighting for their daughter’s life? I don’t think so. Let’s just see what kind of drama Danielle decides bring to this benefit to make it all about her. Watch what happens.”

Who knew Jacqueline had a great sense of humor. Moving on to tonight’s episode. After bringing home baby number 4 from the hospital, Teresa decides it’s finally time for Joe to get “snipped.” Meanwhile, Caroline invites the ladies over for a “girls night in” with cocktails and snacks where the conversation turns to Danielle’s invitation to Dina’s charity at the Brownstone –will tensions rise over the her potential appearance?

And the road of good intentions gets bumpy for Danielle when she and her protective entourage prepare to attend the Brownstone. How will it all come to a head? And will things turn violent? Find out tonight @ 10/9c on BRAVO.

Below is a video preview –