Exclusive: More Details Revealed About Kelly Bensimon’s Breakdown!

Kelly K Bensimon

Ever since the infamous meltdown of Kelly Bensimon (pictured above on May 29th) on the Real Housewives of New York City, all of the housewives on the trip with her have all echoed the same sentiments, which is that her meltdown or “nervous breakthrough” was much worse than what was actually shown on TV.

We also blogged a week ago that we would secretly love to see the unedited footage of Kelly from the St. John trip, well we don’t have the video footage, but we do have the next best thing – a new article from UsWeekly magazine which gives us more details on what happened with Kelly.

1) According to UsWeekly, the real hysterics happened later that night, and wasn’t taped or televised. Sonja Morgan tells the mag, “I took Kelly’s hand and said, ‘Do you think this is normal? I tried to calm her.”

2) The “fight” continued off camera with a screaming match between Kelly and Bethenny. There was a lot of name calling, with “bitch” being the epithet of choice, until Kelly finally fled to her room at 11:30 pm.

3) The other housewives stuck together and rehashed the events until about 3 am.

4) The producers on the other hand had to calm Kelly. “She was on her bed, rocking back and forth,” says a show source. “She kept saying she thought Bethenny was going to kill her. It went on for hours!”

5) The producers, who decided Kelly wasn’t in the mind-set to film, decided to send her home. They booked her an 8 am flight home to NYC.

6) “No one thought she was stable,” says the source. Another insider suggests her outbursts were a result of mixing Valium with alcohol, but a source close to Kelly denies the claim to UsWeekly.

And there you have it folks. While Kelly’s behavior on the show is alarming, her behavior off the show is what continues to do her in. First she accused Bethenny of exploiting her father’s death for ratings during a night of posting nonsensical rants on her twitter page, and now she has decided to start an anti bullying campaign because her behavior on the show was a result of “systematic bullying.”

Here’s what Kelly wrote in her blog after the airing of the last episode –

“Stop systematic bullying! Tell a teacher, friend, or adult. Everyone deserves to be loved. Four against one is never OK.”

It however doesn’t end there. Kelly, who appeared to be flattered by being on the cover of UsWeekly, tweeted the following a few days ago, after the issue came out –

kk-twitpicKelly wrote under the pic – “Cover of us! Wow”

Perhaps Kelly should have taken the time to read the cover and the story before tweeting. But then again, she probably did read the story and delusion-ally thought it was a flattering piece.

Another issue with Kelly’s behavior on and off the show is her kids. Kelly has two daughters (Sea, 12, and Teddy, 9). If she really does have a mental problem, should her ex, Gilles Bensimon, be worried? Should he be stepping in? Kelly was also arrested for physically assaulting her ex-boyfriend last year.