Oh happy day, Jennifer and Danielle are off pause and back to filming.
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Marge wants us to just say no to violence.
Tamra is going for the Heather takedown.
Kroy is forging ahead with the divorce despite his inability to stop having sex with Kim.
John's son is also having some troubles behind the wheel.
Lala isn't done with Rachel yet.
Monica claims Jen Shah gives out sketchy gifts.
Was the break-up really that surprising?
Tre isn't coming down hard on Shannon for the DUI heard around the Bravoverse.
It's time for Heather and Jennifer to take over.
Spencer thinks something is up with Something About Her.
Archie is doing great after the accident.
The ladies love Mexico!
Dorit is ready to take action.
This is a bad look for Potomac's Grande Dame.