Last year, Deal or No Deal Island premiered, capturing the imaginations of at-home viewers. The show was a twist on the original Deal or No Deal. Only this time, brief cases filled with huge amounts of cash were hidden around the Banker’s private island. The goal? Be the final player standing and face the Banker to win the final case, which has all the season’s winnings. During the first season, Survivor legend “Boston” Rob Mariano competed, and made it to the final four. But don’t worry. Viewers will get to see Boston Rob back in his element for Season 2. Only this time, he will be talking about the game on the Deal or No Deal Island After Show.
Boston Rob is hosting the Deal or No Deal Island After Show
“The Deal or No Deal Island After Show with Boston Rob, will be hosted by Season 1 islander and reality competition all-star “Boston” Rob Mariano. The After Show will premiere on Wednesday, Jan. 8,” a press release read.
“Episodes of the After Show will be available to stream on Peacock, NBC’s YouTube channel and every Wednesday following new episodes of Deal or No Deal Island, which will air on its regular timeslot Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC beginning Jan. 14.”
During each show, Rob will chat with the eliminated players, dissecting life on the island, game strategy, and show never-before-seen footage from the show. Sounds like a winning formula to me! Plus, in another twist, there is a new female Banker calling the shots this season.
Boston Rob made his reality TV debut over 20 years ago. He has appeared on Survivor, The Amazing Race, Deal or No Deal Island, and is set to star on Season 3 of The Traitors. Of course, he is considered one of the best to ever play Survivor, and he is confident that the upcoming season of The Traitors is right up his alley.
In the preview clip for the After Show, Boston Rob quipped, “We have our first official iced tea time after show.” Then, he tells a contestant whom we can’t see, “You made some massive … I don’t want to call them mistakes … egregiously bad decisions.” Finally, he stated that the After Show shouldn’t be an afterthought for fans. “It’s going to be epic TV,” Boston Rob stated.
Season 2 of Deal or No Deal Island will debut on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on NBC with a special two-hour premiere. Then the show will move to its regular timeslot at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Jan. 14. All episodes will be available to stream on Peacock the next day.