Survivor 47, Episode 11 Recap: Flipping the Win Switch

Survivor 47
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS via Getty Images

The title of Survivor 47, Episode 11 is “Flipping the Win Switch,” a name that perfectly describes the events of tonight’s episode. The quote belongs to Andy, who uttered the phrase while discussing his master plan to remove Genevieve from the game. This week was a turning point for the Survivor 47 castaways. They’ve moved on from pleasantries and transitioned into full on war. This is where the game gets really good.

If you missed tonight’s chaos, don’t worry; we’ll catch you up to speed.

What happened on Survivor 47, Episode 11?

Tonight, the eight players left on the island competed, schemed, and campaigned in the hopes of making it to the final seven. Caroline, Sue, Teeny, Andy, and Rachel formed a final five, while the outsiders (Genevieve, Kyle, and Sam) prayed for a miracle to keep them in the game. Rachel came out victorious in tonight’s episode, discovering a Block a Vote power and earning immunity in tonight’s challenge. Kyle lost his first Individual Immunity Challenge, putting him in grave danger. At Tribal, the remaining players decided he was too big of a threat. He was sent to the jury.

Keep reading for a more detailed recap of tonight’s episode.

Caroline rebuilds her relationship with Sue after Gabe’s elimination on Survivor 47

Tonight’s episode began with the castaways scrambling to avoid Sue’s wrath after she lost Gabe. Caroline had the most groveling to do. Last week, she turned on her Tuku alliance, voting out Gabe to advance her positioning in the game. Bravo! It was the right move, but it may have lost her a jury vote, considering he called her a snake on his way out.

Caroline doesn’t regret her decision, but she is worried about how it will affect her relationship with Sue. After all, Sue has been loyal to a fault in this game. Caroline pulls her ally aside and explains her reasoning for voting out Gabe. She says she felt like Gabe was taking control of her game and taking credit for her moves (TRUE). She talks about being a Survivor fan and wanting to make her mark on the game.

I absolutely love seeing this energy from Caroline. The one thing holding me back from being a Caroline Stan was her weird devotion to Gabe. She’s clearly a smart, savvy player but last week, she proved she can be a bit ruthless too. I’m obsessed with her now…

Sue forgives Caroline for betraying the alliance. I mean, yeah, what other options does she have? Sorry, but if I’m going to do one thing in these recaps, it’s throw a little shade at Sue (haha). The two join Teeny, Andy, and Rachel, where a new alliance is born. The five of them want to work together to take out Sam, Kyle, and Genevieve. They have the majority, so it seems very likely one of those three will be headed to Ponderosa tonight.

Genevieve, Kyle, and Sam search for a lifeline

At the other end of camp, Genevieve, Kyle, and Sam are discussing the dynamics of the game. They know there is a larger voting block conspiring against them. They agree to band together and try to protect each other as much as they can. In a confessional, Genevieve reflects on her game, which some may describe as villainous or apathetic, but I would describe as iconic and legendary. She talks about how betraying Kishan emotionally affected her, telling viewers that from that point forward, she decided not to get too close to anyone in the game. She is definitely the Ice Queen of Survivor 47. Love that for her.

One Survivor 47 castaway goes on a mysterious journey

A boat arrives at camp to take one castaway on a mysterious journey. The final eight read the note that says they must choose one player to go on the journey. If multiple castaways volunteer, those players will draw rocks. The player who selects the purple rock will go on the journey. At first, Genevieve and Sam are the only volunteers. It makes sense they would want to take the trip, considering they are at the bottom and in dire need of an advantage. But then, Rachel, who is currently sitting pretty in the majority alliance, also volunteers. In a confessional, she explains that it’s a defensive move. She doesn’t need another advantage, but she doesn’t want Genevieve and Sam to get one. I love her so much. She’s such a good player!

The three castaways draw rocks and Rachel picks the purple one. The boat takes Rachel to a floating platform in the sea where she must complete a puzzle to unlock an advantage. If she does not complete the challenge in the allotted time, she will lose her vote at Tribal Council. She successfully solves the puzzle and unlocks a “Block a Vote” power, which allows her to secretly block another player’s vote. The advantage expires at the final six. Rachel has so much power in this game. She has an Immunity Idol, and now she has a Block a Vote. Her pockets are HEAVY. Damn.

I’m happy for Rachel, but I’m worried for Genevieve.

The Survivor 47 castaways talk potential targets

Back at camp, Rachel lies to Sam, Kyle, and Genevieve about the advantage. She tells them she did not complete the challenge and lost her vote. Sam is not buying it. He suspects she has an advantage. Rachel does confide in Sue and Caroline, telling them the whole truth about the journey. Sue is obsessed with loyalty and honesty, so she now feels close to Rachel. Caroline, on the other hand, is still wary of her new ally. She’s wanted Rachel out for weeks and their new alliance hasn’t made her forget about Rachel’s threat level. It may have been a mistake to trust Caroline with this information…

Genevieve is desperate to save her game, so she makes a pitch to Rachel. She suggests they target one of the weaker players (Andy and Sue), who are likely to be dragged to the final three. Rachel fakes interest but in reality, she still has her mind set on Genevieve, who she believes to be the more dangerous player. Rachel tells Andy about Genevieve’s plan, furthering his distrust of his former ally. Ah, I’m worried. It may be Genevieve’s final day on the island.

Who went home on Survivor 47, Episode 15?

Tonight, the castaways competed for Individual Immunity. It was a tight race between Kyle and Rachel but in the end, Rachel won, dethroning the comp beast. Kyle’s loss puts him in a very precarious position. It is the first week he’s been up for elimination since the merge. He’s the obvious choice, but Genevieve also has cause for concern. The group has clocked her as a social threat and some players, most notably Rachel, perceive her to be a bigger threat than Kyle.

Back at camp, the group is divided between Kyle and Genevieve. Andy is working with Kyle, so he tries to paint a target on Genevieve, who threw out his name earlier. Rachel agrees that Genevieve is a bigger threat, but Teeny, Caroline, and Sue aren’t really having it. Caroline thinks his chance to win out at final seven is too high and Sue, you know, hates Kyle’s guts and all that.

At Tribal, it’s unclear who will be sent to the jury tonight. It’s a tough choice between the social threat and the physical threat. Jeff reveals that Kyle’s reign is over and he will be the fourth member of the Survivor 47 jury.

Survivor 47 airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.