EXCLUSIVE: OMG Fashun Episode 2, Winner’s Walk Interview With Padina Bondar-Gibbs

Padina Bondar-Gibbs, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

On E!’s OMG Fashun Episode 1, we saw Elizabeth Shevelev taking home the win. Directly after, Episode 2, called “Plastics,” aired, and in this, we met Padina Bondar-Gibbs, our second winning Disruptor. Upcycling’s her norm, so Padina’s win tracks. In fact, most of her creations have hailed from the various dumpsters around New York City, which I love.

Over on her socials, Padina often shares about her upcoming workshops and exhibits. Here, upcycling is her dominant message, and her reels are also super fun to watch. In these, she easily weaves together everything from second-hand clothing to plastics, forging something new and beautiful out of these items that were once considered cast-offs.

Now, she’s officially Episode 2’s winner. Following her big win, Padina had a quick chat with Reality Tea’s writer Amy DeVore. As a result, perhaps we can all learn a bit more about who Padina is. At the same time, maybe she can also help us all to change our mindsets on waste.

The most fitting casting

Padina Bondar-Gibbs, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy DeVore: You’re a perfect fit for this. Did they find you, or did you self-submit?

Padina Bondar-Gibbs: I very rarely submit, so I got an application and didn’t think anything of it. But then, it just so happened that it was actually a match made in heaven.

Amy: Right?! And the best part is that you got assigned to plastics.

Padina: Exactly. That’s what I’m most passionate about, so it was like everything just fit.

Padina’s first impressions

Julia Fox, Law Roach, Pretty Vee, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: Okay, so you’ve just worked with Julia Fox, Law Roach, and Pretty Vee. Starting with Julia, what was it like working with the brainchild of this series?

Padina: She’s such an icon. But she’s also really making a statement, which I absolutely adore. On top of that, she’s also using her influence to advocate for sustainability and to help promote small designers and also new brands. And that’s not something that you see very often. So, I really, really respect her.

Amy: Next, tell me about Law.

Padina: He’s always been an icon in my world. It was such an amazing reveal to know that he’d be there as well. And his feedback was very, very precious to me.

Amy: Did he have one particularly good word of advice?

Padina: Absolutely. Styling isn’t my strongest suit. I made a bracelet, and he said, “Well, that looks like a scrunchy.” And I’m like, You know what? Yeah, you’re right. That’s definitely something that I need to consider, how people can see things that I maybe see differently.

Amy: So good. Finally, tell me about Pretty Vee.

Padina: She was so lovely as well. They all made the environment welcoming and warm. They all have an amazing energy, so being a part of that was like, okay, you guys are actually calming me down. This is not intimidating.

OMG Fashun’s “trendsetting” impacts

Padina Bondar-Gibbs, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: What are your thoughts as a whole on OMG Fashun?

Padina: I think it’s going to be a trendsetting series, and I really think that this is going to be the first of many that are moving in this direction. I think that this is what the younger generation wants. They don’t just want a piece of clothing. They want passion, and they also want sustainability and ethics. This is definitely a good start.

Amy: Agreed. I also think that the world’s changing. Yet, you’re ahead of this trend, because you’ve been at this for a while. Speaking of you, what did you think about your title as a Disruptor?

Padina: Oh, it’s perfect, because like we said, the world’s changing. There’s just nothing new. So if you actually want to create something unique, you have to be a Disruptor.

Tampons, eh?

Materials basket from OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: When you heard that plastic was your material, what was your immediate reaction?

Padina: I’m winning this. Well, either I’m going to win, or I’m going to meet my next business partner. Those were my two main trains of thought.

Amy: Remind us all what were you given to upcycle.

Padina: We have access to a room full of different materials, including scrap fabrics, and second-hand items. But then, we’re also given a box with five items, specifically straws, tampons, and bubble wrap. I’ve actually used tampons before in my structural work because it’s stiff enough to hold everything in place. But I did have to ask if they were used or new.

Amy: You never know. It is reality television. Consequently, anything can happen here.

Padina: Exactly.

Padina’s bubble wrap blunder

Padina Bondar-Gibbs, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: Did you face any obstacles?

Padina: Yes, I get very carried away when I work. Somehow, I completely missed the bubble wrap. I realized within five minutes of the show’s ending, and then the only bubble wrap that we had was this ugly green color. But it all worked out. In the end, I made a leaf.

A win and three words

Padina Bondar-Gibbs, OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: Do you have any plans for your $10,000 check?

Padina: Yes, because I live In New York City, so it’ll help me to focus on my own work, instead of taking on commission work, or even trying to work for other designers.

Amy: Good! Now just for kicks, what are three words that best sum up OMG Fashun?

Padina: I would say adventurous, thrilling, and inspiring.

Padina’s parting thoughts

OMG Fashun 102
Photo Credit: Scout Productions/E! Entertainment

Amy: Before we wrap, do you have anything else that you’d like to stress?

Padina: If Julia Fox can wear garbage and rock it and own it, then we can all do better in how we consume fast fashion. This is proof that you can absolutely be the most beautiful, glamorous person, without having to buy more things. Think twice before throwing anything out, because everything has potential.

This interview was edited for conciseness and clarity.

Back-to-back episodes of OMG Fashun drop every Monday on E!, starting at 9:00 pm.