Vanderpump Villa Episode 6 Recap: Telly and Hannah Make Ugly Remarks

Photo Credit: Gilles Mingasson/Hulu

Welcome back to the Vanderpump Villa, Episode 6 recap. Last time, Gabriella locked lips with one of the guests. This week’s episode, “An Unforgettable Night in Carcassonne” features Hannah and Telly in hot water with their co-stars. Here’s everything that you need to know about Vanderpump Villa, Episode 6!

Gabriella has a confession

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

Hannah, Telly, and Gabriella gossiped about Dan kissing Gabriella. Telly was shocked that Gabriella would kiss him after he was shot down by both Hannah and Telly. In the end, Gabriella regrets the kiss.

In a bid to save her budding connection with Andre, Gabriella told him that she kissed Dan. She wanted him to hear it from her. Andre was upset that Dan got a kiss on his first day there. He thinks that two can play that game. 

Now Telly believes that Gabriella isn’t a girl’s girl. The fact that she went after Andre when Grace liked him proves her point.

The tension is rising

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

The next morning, Gabriella tried to low-key check in with Andre, but he was ignoring her. She doesn’t want there to be an issue between Dan and Andre at the dinner. But Gabriella is making more of this than she needs to. She wasn’t dating Andre, and she wasn’t pursuing Dan. So let it drop. Finally, Andre admitted in his confessional that he was jealous. 

Emily clocked the tension level at the bar as high. Andre made a dig about not having a woman to roll his shirt sleeves for him. Now Gabriella was nervous that Andre was backing away. She didn’t know what to do.

Is Marciano a permanent member of the kitchen staff?

Photo by Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

Lisa was concerned that Marciano, her lead server, wouldn’t be working the Moulin Rouge dinner that night. Why? He was still living in the dish pit. Chef Anthony told Lisa that Marciano was doing a great job and was polite. The chef wouldn’t object to keeping Marciano in the kitchen. Marciano overheard the conversation and panicked. Next, he will start dropping glasses. 

When Lisa asked how he was doing, Marciano was extra polite and spoke well of Chef Anthony. She hasn’t decided where to put Marciano after his two epic fails. 

Gabriella and Andre talk it out

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

Gabriella and Andre had a moment alone. He admitted that he was angry about her kiss with Dan. She told him he couldn’t act like he was unbothered, and then make these remarks.

He asked her if another Dan came along in the future, would she kiss him? She said definitely not. They ended up laughing about it.

The Moulin Rouge Dinner

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

Lisa arranged for some showgirl dancers for the sexy Moulin Rouge dinner. Hopefully, Eric won’t join in. After dinner, the staff partied with the guests. Everyone was dancing and hanging out, except for Priscilla. Hannah thought it was weird, but she was too busy to investigate.

In the staff quarters, Gabriella and Andre slipped into his twin bed together. Thankfully his roomie, Stephen, took his Ambien. “Physically, we connect… umm.. very well,” Gabriella said in her confessional. 

The Final Toast

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

Once again, the main guest was tasked with filling out a comment card over breakfast. And Hannah was gunning for Marciano’s lead server position.

Lisa read the comment card and called Hannah in for a chat. When Lisa asked how she thought she did, Hannah said she was able to have fun and be herself without Marciano there. The group raved about her, and Lisa was thrilled. So, Marciano had better get comfy in the dish pit.

The group had the rest of the day off, and Priscilla was glad. She was homesick. Priscilla never had to live with her co-workers, and the vibe in the chateau feels awkward. She doesn’t feel a connection with them.

One more try?

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Then Lisa called Marciano into her office. For the first time, the comment card didn’t mention issues cascading from the back of the house to the front of the house. Lisa asked him how he would feel if she sent him home. At this point, he is more of a liability than an asset.

Marciano said that he would be “humiliated” and upset that he let Lisa down. Marciano became emotional, stating that he wanted to prove himself to Lisa. She gave him a third chance, as we all knew she would. Marciano is totally Jax Taylor from Vanderpump Rules.

Lisa also spoke with Priscilla. She was concerned because Priscilla seemed withdrawn. Lisa asked if she was missing her home. Priscilla shared that she only feels like she can trust Grace and Emily, but they have each other.

Plus, after the issue with Marciano, Priscilla feels like there is negative energy lingering. Hannah previously called out Priscilla for the way that she sat next to Marciano. Now she feels like the other ladies are mean girls. As usual, Lisa has a plan to unite the group.

A treat for the staff

Photo by Gilles Mingasson/Hulu

Instead of a new guest arriving, the group was going to Carcassonne for dinner. While everyone else was trying on outfits, Priscilla was sitting in the living room.

Anthony asked Priscilla what was wrong, and she said that Lisa didn’t think she was happy there. So, Telly was angry that Priscilla told Lisa that she “was being bullied” rather than explaining to Telly that she was upset. Hannah was pissed off that Priscilla complained about them to Lisa. 

Both Hannah and Telly were annoyed that Gabriella was “up Grace’s ass.” Hannah noted in her confessional that Gabriella only went after Andre because Grace liked him.

Hannah believes that Gabriella went after Andre to prove that she’s the hottest woman in the house. “Which she’s not, so,” Hannah noted. Then Hannah said that Gabriella “has a mustache” and picked on the shape of her nose.

Telly called her an “ugly self-absorbed person” and said she looks like the character “Toucan Sam.” Making fun of someone’s appearance is never cool. Emily, who overheard the conversation, likened it to high school mean girls. Maybe Telly and Hannah need some time in the dish pit.

Emily told Priscilla and Grace that Hannah and Telly were insulting Gabriella’s appearance. Priscilla is a girl’s girl, and she’s not down with them insulting another woman’s looks. 

A once-in-a-lifetime experience

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

The group walked through cobblestone streets and approached the castle. The view from the castle was amazing. The group ate outside overlooking the city. Eric proclaimed that he loved every single one of his co-stars. 

But Hannah couldn’t let go of the fact that Priscilla talked to Lisa about the staff dynamics. Of course, she couldn’t! 

Hannah asked if anyone “felt bullied or upset in this group?” In her confessional, Gabriella noted that it was strange that the bully was asking who felt bullied. Everyone else was annoyed that Hannah was ruining the dinner with her dramatics. 

Gabriella spoke up about people talking about her and Andre behind their backs. Hannah said it was an issue because Grace said that she liked Andre. Then Grace chimed in and said that it wasn’t a big deal. 

Mean girls exposed

Photo by: Gilles Mingasson /Hulu

So, Emily quietly told Gabriella all the horrible things that Telly and Hannah said about her. Gabriella was shocked. “Just know they’re not your f*cking friends,” Emily said. You go, Emily! But she wasn’t done.

She made a toast. “I’m just going to give a toast to… I hope everyone sees and realizes who their true friends are and who is not, because there’s a lot of bullsh*t when you’re making fun of appearances and sh*t. I don’t f*ck with that,” Emily said. Cheers!

Emily called out Telly and Hannah for calling Gabriella “ugly” and “Toucan Sam.” Everyone was upset. Stephen asked Telly if she said those things about Gabriella, and she confirmed it. Gabriella stated that she knows she looks beautiful, and that Hannah and Telly’s remarks were “mean.” In her confessional, Telly admitted that she was in the wrong.

As usual, Hannah had a temper tantrum and verbally attacked Caroline for no reason. She also called Grace and Emily “fake ass b*tches.” Hannah stormed off, screaming at Grace, who remained cool.

At the chateau, Grace tried to get ready for bed, but Hannah continued to screech. Meanwhile, Andre was secretly enjoying his eligible bachelor moment amid the drama. Hannah continued to rant in the living room while everyone shut their doors. She called her co-stars “p*ssy- ass b*tches.” Yikes!

Vanderpump Villa, Episodes 1-5 are available to stream now on Hulu. Episode 6 will be available on Monday, April 22 on Hulu.