Reality Tea “Would You Rather…” Weekly Poll

We here at Reality Tea are often just shocked to the gills by the antics of reality stars. From the products they shamelessly hawk to the ridiculous relationships to the epic fights to the hilarious outfits – the fun never stops! With all the insanity reverberating from every corner of every network, low-budget to high, we’ve often wondered… which crazy would you rather?

So it’s time for your weekly Reality Tea: Would You Rather? And for today’s question, in honor of LOSER husbands, we wanna know:

If you must marry a Real Househusband what’s your poison? Is it Jailtime Joe Giudice of the felony charges, drunken buffoon persuasion or Tareq Salahi of the White House crashing, pathological lying, fake charity persuasion. Hey – they’re both bankrupt!


A) Be married to Real Housewives of DC loser Tareq  – who may or may not sell your underwear on eBay and report your every menstrual cycle and calorie consumption to TMZ. Oh yeah – he’ll also buy you a pony and take it away!

B) Be married to Real Housewives of New Jersey loser Juicy – who may or may not call you a c-u-next-tuesday on national TV, while farting in your face and telling you it smells like rotten eggs. He’ll also probably get drunk and puke on your sparkly dress and cuss at your kids!

Oh, sweet mercy – that’s a tough one! (insert evil laugh here). Give your answer below and don’t forget to spread the fun!