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Kroy Biermann Claims Kim Zolciak’s Designer Sales Aren’t Going Towards Marital Debt

Kroy Biermann is whining again. This man married Kim Zolciak knowing full well she had a past with a Sugar Daddy and a very close friendship with one-armed bandits across the United States. Now he’s trying to act like he doesn’t know how he got here.

The Don’t Be Tardy alums are lodged under a mountain of debt. They owe the government, banks, credit cards, you name it. Amid a negative cash flow, Kimbo sold some of her “designer” items online to pay for Christmas, allegedly. But Kroy is wandering around wondering where his half of the cash is. Stay curious buddy. TMZ has the scoop.

Less money, more problems

Why these two are still living under the same roof is beyond me. If they are both gluttons for punishment, have at it. But let the kids go live in the woods so they have a better chance of being less traumatized. Kroy and Kim continue to fight about money because they are ridiculous. They also seem to have an aversion to gainful employment.

New court documents show Kroy believes the money made from crap Kim has been selling online isn’t going to their mutual marital debt. Duh. Whenever Kimbo is in a bind, you can usually find her on Instagram selling her questionably authentic high-end accessories and bags for an incredibly inflated price.

Genius Kroy feels Kim isn’t sharing the profits and the money is going to support Kim rather than their estate which is “weighed down by significant debt.” Whose gonna tell Kroy that Kim selling ugly purses and shoes no one would wear during daylight hours won’t put a dent in their financial woes?

Legal papers say Kroy thinks Kimbo’s collection of designer items is worth “hundreds of thousands of dollars.” Additionally, he said she got most of it during their marriage. That said, insiders in Kim’s Kamp allege the stuff Kim sold was obtained before she married Kroy and she used the funds for Christmas gifts.

It seems like Kroy could then say, I had about $12 million going into the marriage, so go ahead and cough that up because it’s gone now… Kim’s team also said she paid the house bills without his help “for years” and to that I say, “Sure, Jan.”

Kim and Kroy’s divorce remains in progress and their debt remains increasing.