Captain Lee Rosbach’s Sassiest Moments on Below Deck

Photo Credit: Bravo/YouTube

Captain Lee Rosbach is a classic cast member from the Below Deck franchise. He was featured on all ten seasons of the original show. Unlike some other Below Deck captains, Captain Lee maintained a constant no-nonsense attitude. He could also be difficult to deal with at times. Captain Lee held the same attitude with charter guests that he did with his crew, who were often slightly intimidated. While Lee has had many iconic moments throughout the seasons, these were some of his sassiest on the show.

Captain Lee Ended A Charter Early When A Drunk Guest Infuriated Him


Captain Lee’s sassiest moments on Below Deck were when he took it upon himself to end an entire charter early. Because of just one guest. On a charter during Season 8, a guest who had been drinking jumped in the ocean for a swim. Despite being told not to. When Captain Lee saw the guest swimming far away from the boat, he became enraged.

After storming down to where the other guests were spectating, Lee made it clear the guest disrespected him by risking her life on his watch. In a particularly iconic moment, the guest asked Captain Lee if she could “have some bacon”. Captain Lee responded that “she could not have anything”, and yelled at her to get back on the boat.

While Lee had every right to be furious with the guest, the true sass came when he decided to end the entire charter early. Captain Lee stormed into the cabin where the other charter guests were eating. Then he announced that the crew would head back to the dock because of the problematic guest’s behavior. Everyone was visibly disappointed, but Captain Lee did not look back.

Captain Lee Almost Went “To War” With Bosun Kelley Over Dirty Windows


Captain Lee had another dramatic moment earlier on during Season 4, which involved Bosun Kelley Johnson. After noticing that the yacht’s windows were dirty, Lee was quick to put all of the blame on Kelley. He even suggested Kelley needed someone to babysit him. Kelley took responsibility for the dirty exterior windows on the lower deck. But he pointed out much of the problem was also on the window’s interior, which he was not responsible for.

Kelley continued to explain that he felt Captain Lee called him out on more things than he did with Chief Stew Kate Chastain, which was true. Captain Lee, however, did not want to hear it and asked Kelley if he really wanted to “go to war” over the matter. When Kelley replied that he did not want to, Captain Lee went as far as saying that he would have “no problem” with doing so.

While Captain Lee did have a point about the exterior windows needing a better cleaning, his entire interaction with Kelley was nothing short of dramatic. Captain Lee was not willing to hear Kelley out on his concerns, which is not surprising when it comes to him.

Captain Lee Claimed He Could “Run With The Big Dogs”


One of Captain Lee’s funniest moments was during the recent Season 10, right before he decided to end his Below Deck run for good. During one of his final charters, a group of female guests requested that Captain Lee join them for dinner. Despite not feeling well and using crutches due to a health issue, Captain Lee claimed that he could “run with the big dogs” and “hang for a night”.

What made this moment so memorable was the female guests jokingly flirting with Captain Lee, which was funny to see since he is normally so uptight. One charter guest jokingly asked “Are you the dessert Captain,” to which Captain Lee dramatically replied that he was now sweating.

Despite not feeling well, it was good to see that Captain Lee was still his good old sarcastic self, who always had a sassy response to anything he was asked. While Captain Lee was somewhat controversial at times, his humor and sarcasm contributed a certain charm to the Below Deck franchise, which will be hard to replace.