Candiace Dillard Bassett Real Housewives Of Potomac

Real Housewives Of Potomac Season 6 Reunion Part 3 Recap: Here Come The Husbands

Are you ready for more of The Real Housewives of Potomac reunion? We’re getting close to Nicki Minaj’s arrival! Let’s go! There’s been so much build up to get to this moment. Not every city has had a four part reunion. This is still somewhat rare. Potomac is being given the opportunity to prove why they’re at the top of their game.

Cruel Intentions

Wendy Osefo Real Housewives Of Potomac

Wendy Osefo’s on fire with the read about Gizelle Bryant getting a tummy tuck yet not keeping Jamal Bryant. For Gizelle to go on camera and insinuate Wendy’s modifications are because of the rumors was horrible. There’s no reason to assume it’s because of some last ditch attempt at saving her marriage. Perhaps Wendy wanted a change.

Wendy says she was upset at Robyn Dixon because they already talked about the rumor months prior. This is where Wendy’s losing me a little bit. In the moment, Robyn had no idea what Messy Boots Ashley Darby was up to. She wasn’t clued in on the plan. Discussing it prior with Wendy doesn’t mean Robyn know what was going on in Williamsburg.

At this point there’s nothing Robyn can say that would alter Wendy’s opinion. She wants to stay pissed off at the green-eyed bandits, and nothing’s going to change that.

However, Gizelle needs to stop pretending like she gave a shit about Wendy. Gizelle brought these rumors to the light to be messy and keep the show moving. She had one goal in mind, and she accomplished all of it. Mission accomplished.

Wendy believes Gizelle & Ashley’s actions were calculated. Wendy brings up Gizelle alleging she spoke to Wendy on the phone and offers receipts to prove that to be false. All she really does with the receipts is prove a conversation did take place between her and Gizelle on the phone. To make things even better, Andy Cohen shades Wendy for her loose leaf paper in comparison to last season’s binder.

Ashley says she feels bad because Wendy thinks she was shamed for embracing her femininity. At least one of the women is offering up some semblance of an apology to Wendy. They all tore her down for embracing a new side of herself, so it’s good to see remorse.

The Pandemic Blues

Robyn Dixon Real Housewives Of Potomac

Robyn admits she was apprehensive to label her issues as “depression.” She never felt like she could be touched by that. However, she realizes there was some depression mixed into whatever her issues were. I think it’s brave of her to open up about this side of her life because there’s still stigma around it. Kudos.

Blowing off the major retail stories like she was doing is horrible for her business. If she wants to keep building it into a successful company, she has to stay on top of things. Robyn can’t afford to slack off.

The one thing that was off putting this season was Juan Dixon’s dismissiveness of Robyn. She was showing signs of real depression, and he wasn’t taking any of it seriously. Is this really the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with? If the relationship’s as real as she claims, she might want to take a step back.

Robyn still wants us to believe she’s getting married next year to Juan. Okay Robyn. Whatever helps you sleep at night. That mean does not love you. I am so glad Juan Dixon is not here right now to face the fraud facts about this relationship.

The Husbands Speak

Eddie Osefo Real Housewives Of Potomac

Before the husbands can start speaking, Dorothy Dillard calls Candiace Dillard Bassett. Andy wastes no time and snatches that phone up quickly. He’s so messy, but I can’t help but live for it.

Andy asks Dorothy if she has any regrets for her questions at the music video shoot. Dorothy is so obsessed with being in the spotlight that it looks like she doesn’t care if she hurts her family. It’s gross quite frankly.

Ashley says Michael Darby has never been overtly sexual with anyone in the group, but Andy clears that up. Andy bringing up Michael saying he wanted to suck Juan’s dick has been dying on the floor. He’s just saying whatever he wants, and I’m loving it for him.

Everyone has problems with Gordon Thornton’s behavior on the couple’s trip. He was out of line for most of it. It was extremely uncomfortable to watch throughout the entire vacation. I felt bad for Mia Thornton to be honest.

Chris Bassett defends his financial status after everything Dorothy’s said about him. She’s spewing garbage to get attention. Let’s call it what it is. However, things will never be the same between her and Chris. I think she irreparably damaged the relationship. There’s no coming back from what she did I think.

The implication that Chris tossed Mia’s salad has everyone in an uproar. Wendy in particular is triggered about it, but she’s making it difficult to be on her side. I agree with the majority of things Wendy says, but she goes out of her way to “make a moment”, so it falls flat. Everything feels forced with fake with her.

Karen Huger’s highly involved in her role as ambassador to Surrey County. She’s really running with this. That’s the greatest example I can possibly think of of being big fish in a small pond. It’s like a whale shark choosing to swim in a fish bowl to feel powerful.

Karen owns up to taking jabs at Robyn’s relationship and Juan throughout the season. There’s good reason to take jabs because their relationship is questionable at best. Andy calls out Michael & Juan for never wearing their wedding rings. They aren’t truly invested in their own marriages, so why would they wear their rings? There’s no surprise here because they’ve shown who they are before.

Andyana Minaj

Nicki Minaj Real Housewives Of Potomac

Andy pretends like he needs some tequila, and in comes Nicki Minaj! This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for because this is unheard of. There’s been so much hype, so hopefully it lives up to it.

Nicki starts in immediately on Ashley for her messy antics in bringing up the Eddie Osefo rumors. She straight up calls her out for lugging her breast milk to the trip for camera time. What surprises me with this is Candiace seemingly coming to Ashley’s defense against the line of questioning. Maybe there’s hope for the two of them to become friends after all.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]