Below Deck Mediterranean Malia White

Below Deck Mediterranean Star Malia White Continues To Defend Reporting Hannah Ferrier For Taking Prescription Medication

Below Deck Mediterranean had an incredible opportunity to showcase a groundbreaking season, with females holding the highest-ranking positions on the boat. This is what Helen Reddy prepared us for! Unfortunately, that premise has pretty much been decimated. Bosun Malia White decided to narc on fellow superior, and longtime Chief Stew, Hannah Ferrier. Hannah hasn’t been riding the white pony on the aft deck. She struggles with anxiety and takes meds for the condition.

Thank GOODNESS Malia was there to go through Hannah’s personal bag and set up a wonderful photo op for Captain Sandy Yawn. Thank GOODNESS Malia texted the photo without the courtesy of informing Hannah, in the interest of her hardcore professional virtue. Thank GOODNESS Malia is focused on the best interest of her career instead of being empathetic to her co-worker’s mental health. Social media has come for Malia and she’s being attacked from all sides, but fear not! Malia continues her defense of tattling on someone’s private medical matters. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Viewers were rooting for this particular season, but it has dissolved into more pettiness than Lisa Rinna’s inner monologue. First Chef Kiko Lorran crumbled under the pressure of Captain Sandy’s piercing gaze, though Sandy seems to pick and choose what she wants to tolerate. Then Malia decides to use Hannah’s prescription medication against her. Women supporting women! Malia took to social media to defend her actions. Again.

Malia posted a photo of a document outlining procedures, for what I assume is working on a boat in international waters. Her caption read, “If you want to hate me- hate me, but know the FACTS. Here’s the policy straight from the contract.” I’m sure pretty much everyone is on board with disliking Malia at this point. Does this policy also include bullet points on rummaging through someone’s personal property?


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Malia also wrote, “The Captain of the vessel has the right to know who might be taking what & when!” Totally! Malia addressed this little nugget of info because Captain Sandy has the right to know about EVERYTHING, including rogue 8 balls. Allegedly. “It’s a pretty straightforward policy set in place to protect us NOT to exclude anyone”, Malia shared. I wasn’t aware Moral Police was akin to bosun on a yacht.

Lucky for the rest of the crew and passengers, Malia took it upon herself to assume Hannah had not already informed her boss of her medication requirements. Malia is also happy to let anyone know what type of lipstick you have in your purse, because she’s gonna go through it in the name of “exceptional work ethic“.


RELATED: Below Deck OG Captain Lee Rosbach Says Bosun And Chef Don’t Outrank Chief Stew In Midst Of Drama With Hannah Ferrier And Malia White On Below Deck Mediterranean


Malia also apologizes for being a rat how she relayed the information about Hannah to her boss. Not by sharing her concerns with Hannah. Not by calling a private meeting with Sandy, detailing her thoughts. She wrote, “I apologize if I didn’t go about reporting or handling the situation to the best of my ability but it was also a HUGE learning curve for me.” Sure, Jan. She texted a SETUP photo. Because, PROFESSIONAL. Speaking of being professional, Malia wrote, “Please understand this is my career and I take the rules very seriously.”


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So that explains Malia’s petulant hissy fit that she threw when Hannah and Bugsy Drake didn’t want to do a room switcheroo so she could bang her boyfriend on charter. But yeah, Malia takes all of the “rules” very seriously. She ended with this passive-aggressive statement, “To all my crew- I’m happy everyone is sharing their stories and I hope this information helps you understand your contract as crew- you aren’t alone in your struggles which is precisely why we have these policies in place!” You aren’t alone, but you might want to be if Malia is your bosun…


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]