TEMPTATION ISLAND -- "A Real Man" Episode 206 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ashley Howland, Esonica Veira, Ashley Godson, Kate Griffith -- (Photo by: Mario Perez/USA Network)

Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

The latest episode of Temptation Island was all about girl power. I could almost hear Ashley Howland, Kate Griffith, and Esonica Veira singing Madonna’s “Express Yourself.” Notably, “You deserve the best in life, so if the time isn’t right, then move on. Second best is never enough, you’ll do much better, baby, on your own.” #Stillholdsup

On the other hand, some of the guys are having the opposite reaction. Namely, Casey Starchak and Gavin Rocker. All of a sudden they’ve realized their girlfriends aren’t so bad after all and they regret bringing them here. When we last left Casey at the bonfire, he assumed the worst when he saw Ashley H. and Ben Knobloch making out in bed together. Mark L. Walberg put a positive spin on it and told Casey he can grow into the man that Ashley didn’t know she needed. Too little, too late!

At the girls’ bonfire, Ashley H. gushed about Ben. Mark reminded her that she was all about Casey not too long ago. Ashley stated that she is happy now, and needed to thank Casey for bringing her here. Oh, snap.

Kate got shown footage of David Benavidez and Toneata Morgan living out their Baywatch fantasy in the bedroom, and David saying he would move to Los Angeles to be with her. Her reaction was on point, “I don’t know that guy…she probably doesn’t either. Good luck, girlfriend.”

RELATED: Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: A Real Man

Esonica watched Gavin tell Mia Metcalf that she is his new favorite. Mark asked if she thought Gavin meant Mia was a favorite over her, or over the girls on the island. Way to twist that knife, Mark! 

Ashley Goldson saw Medinah Ali tell Rick Fleur that she can’t believe his girlfriend brought him here. Namely because he could end up leaving with someone else, ahem her. Ashley snapped, “Ok, I don’t like her.” She added that Medinah doesn’t know Rick’s past, and that’s why she doesn’t understand why she brought him here. 

Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

Ashley H. goes next and is sure she will see Casey do something stupid with another girl. Instead, she got shown a personal message from Payton Burgess where she bashed Casey and told Ashley she deserved better. Ashley was shaken, and wondered what Casey did to her. Mark asked her what she’s learned about herself, and she said that she’s not a scared girl anymore who needs to have someone in her life. 

Mark summarized that it’s all about growth, and that their boyfriends are going to see evolved women at the end. He also asked them to keep an open mind that their guys are growing too. All the women silently shook their heads like, nah. If only they could see the footage of Rick!

At the guys’ villa everyone was worried about Casey as he cried over Ashley H. in the corner. Samantha Hoffman let Casey know she was there if he needed to talk. Payton had no sympathy, however. She said she didn’t feel bad for him because he was never there for anyone else when they need him. 

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Ashley H.’s actions even surprised an emotionless David. But he quickly turned his attention to Toneata, and fed her lies about their “deep connection” and that he meant it when he talked about their future plans. But he still wondered about what Kate thought after she saw his “stupid mistake.” 

Speaking of not showing emotions, Medinah is still frustrated that Rick is closed off towards her. Rick was in his typical position, arms crossed and looking away, as she grilled him about bonfire. He admitted in his confessional that Medinah needed to back off and give him some space. If Medinah doesn’t get the hint, that might just be the tipping point that pushes Rick back to Ashley G.

Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

Back at the girls’ villa, the ladies sipped wine and cheered that they aren’t scared girls anymore who needed to be validated by their boyfriends. Time to crank up Beyonce’s, “Run The World (Girls).” Esonica advised Ashley H. that she shouldn’t ignore what Payton said about Casey. Ashley G. counterpointed and said, “I don’t trust these hoes.”

Deac Conti decided he needed to one-up Ben, so he stepped up his game and put rose petals all over Ashley H.’s bed. And according to Deac, she should feel lucky because he’s never done that for another girl before. So shocked he’s still single!

Well, things didn’t end up working out for Deac. Ashely appreciated the gesture, but brushed him off and took Ben upstairs to her bedroom. Then they promptly threw the comforter and all the flower petals onto the floor.

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Ashley told Ben she felt like Deac only made that gesture because Ben was in her bed last night. Smart girl! Then she asked Ben if he is the same person outside of the show because she didn’t want to jeopardize her relationship if he was full of sh*t. Ben pulled her close and promised he’s the same person she’s seen all along. Ashley mused that Ben is “perfect.” Things are not looking good for Casey.

Then things took a turn and there was a gigantic blow out between Ashley G. and KB Brown. It started when Deac whined to Ashley G. that Ashley H. was rude for bringing Ben up to her bedroom and not him. When Ashley G. pressed on why he felt he deserved anything, KB decided to butt in and tell her to back off. 

Then Ashley H. and Ben showed up. Ashley G. told her what Deac had said. All a sudden, Deac backtracked and claimed she twisted his words. Ashley G. passively called the guys “bitches” and got up to leave. Then KB lost it. He went off on Ashley G. and said he couldn’t stand her. Kareem Thomas held her back as she countered that if she was so bad, why was he in her bed every night. The whole scene escalated quickly and was super uncomfortable.

So, it should come to no one’s surprise, that when Mark showed up the next day to ask the girls who they wanted off the island, that they picked KB and Deac. The guys said they had no hard feelings, and at least pretended to understand both Ashley’s points of view. 

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Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

Over at the guys’ villa, the ladies are enjoying their time together, not knowing Mark is about to show up and change the game. Colleen Powers admitted she’s having fun, but doesn’t really know her place as everyone is coupled up. Medinah, Payton, and Rachel Hamel all thought that they were going to be getting more action with the guys, and not just be their friends. 

As Rick had a heart to heart with Casey, Medinah interrupted their conversation and called for Rick to join her in the pool. Understandably, Rick got frustrated. But he stayed with Casey and told him to focus on growing into a better person.

Then Mark showed up. Ruh-roh. Who were the guys going to choose to send home? Personally, I thought it was going to be Colleen and Payton. Colleen said she wasn’t connecting with anyone, and Payton went crazy on Casey.

But surprise! Mark called over Samantha and told her to leave. If there were any hesitations, this just cemented the fact that David is a total douchebag. Use em’ and lose em’! I’m sure they kept Colleen because she’s not a threat to anyone. And Casey probably kept Payton around because what narcissist doesn’t like attention? 

At least Samantha was able to get one last dig in at David before she left. She said she was going to go and find “a real man.” David had to be a creeper, and asked her for a hug. Samantha should have told him to f*ck off, but she reciprocated. Then the girls all hugged her goodbye and consoled her by calling David “a piece of sh*t.” Get with the program, Toneata!

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Afterward, Mark threw in one last twist. He told the guys they can record a thirty-second video message for their girlfriends. This is going to get really interesting. Who will record a message, and if they do, what will they say? 

Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

At the girls’ villa, Chris Grant kept it light and asked Ashley G. if he could go on her final date now that a slot has opened up. Kareem and Esonica discussed KB and Deac going home. Kareem was bummed because KB was his bestie. Esonica teased that she could be his best friend. She admitted in her confessional that she is thinking about Gavin, but is torn because she likes Kareem too. 

Ashley G., Ashley H. and Kate all have a heart to heart. Ashley G. said that she made a mistake in getting involved with KB, and that she missed Rick. She predicted there isn’t a happy ending in store for her. Ashley H. wisely told her that she needed to learn how to be happy with herself first. Kate admitted if she knew beforehand that she was going to improve herself coming to the island, she wouldn’t have been so hesitant to come.

Later that night at the guys’ villa, they have a black and white party. This includes a “photoshoot” which is really Gavin taking pictures of everyone with his iPhone. Casey took a break from crying and actually looked like he had a good time. 

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Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: She Didn’t Say, I Love You

Who wasn’t having a good time was Rick and Medinah. Medinah couldn’t seem to understand why Rick wanted to spend time with a crying Casey over frolicking in the pool with her. Rick went off. His points were valid; she was being selfish in not recognizing Casey needed someone there for him who understood how he felt. However, his delivery was totally uncalled for. Maybe KB and Rick are closer in personality than one thought. Thankfully, Rick realized he made a mistake by shouting at her and apologized. 

The next day, the video messages are delivered. I thought for sure they were going to end the episode on a cliff hanger of Casey opening up the box. But surprisingly, they ended up showing everyone’s video messages. 

Ashley G. and Rick went first. Rick’s message to Ashley surprised her and made her realize she still loved him. He admitted to her he was a changed man, aka mature Rick, and then he ended it with, “I love you and see you at the final bonfire.” Maybe Medinah doesn’t have such a stronghold on him after all? 

Rick’s experience was a little different. Ashley G. did tell Rick she loved him, but didn’t mention any regret in hooking up with KB. Still, that didn’t seem to bother Rick. Her body language read to him that she was checked out. If only he knew she just packed KB’s bags and sent him home.

Kate isn’t sure if David will have a message for her. Even if he does, she said the person she knows is no longer there. I think he’s the exact same person he was all along, but now her eyes are open.

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In David’s video, he didn’t even mention he made a mistake. What a slimeball. He did his best puppy dog eyes and told her he loved her and hoped she was enjoying her time on the island. He really needs to work on his manipulation skills. Still, it worked somewhat on Kate, as it brought back feelings of insecurity. 

But those feelings were not on display in her video message to David. Kate kicked butt and put him in his place. She told him she felt confident and knew what she deserved. She mentioned he told her actions speak louder than words, and that she’s been respectful, but she wished she could say the same about him. David put on a show and cried, but we all know he was back in Toneata’s arms five minutes later.

In Gavin’s video to Esonica, he told her he’s grown into a man she would be proud of. Hopefully, one who leaves his toe sucking past behind him! Esonica didn’t seem convinced he was taking this seriously. She decided she needed to take the time to figure out what she wants and what she deserves. I thought his video was sweet and sincere.

On the flip side, Esonica told Gavin she didn’t think he was growing during this experience. She said he wasn’t sure if she was the one, but now she’s not sure if he is the one. The tables have turned! Gavin looked surprised and crushed; he wondered if spending time with Kareem changed her mind. Either way, he took a mature outlook and said he would still spend his time focused on his growth.

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Any bets on Casey ugly crying during his video for Ashley H.? Well, Casey didn’t disappoint! He did a weird crying face but no tears came out, just desperation. He stumbled through his message that he only thinks about her, and wanted to get married and have a family. Ashley’s jaw was on the floor. Then her shock turned to anger. Cue Beyonce’s “Put a ring on it.” She had been waiting for him to say all of those things, but was pissed it took him bringing her here for him to say it. I am loving the new and confident Ashley!

And she killed it again with her video message to Casey. Luckily for us we didn’t have to wait another week to see it. Ashley thanked him for bringing her here, because now she is confident and isn’t jealous or insecure. Then she dropped the final blow when she said, “I don’t regret anything.” 

Casey is stunned. He fake cried into his hands and whined, “She didn’t say I love you.” Nope. Karma is a b*tch, Casey!


[Photo Credit: Mario Perez/USA Network]