90 Day Fiance Angela Deem Michael Ilesanmi

90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days was more like a soap opera than anything else. There were reunions, drama, sex and everything in between. If you are anything like me, you have been waiting patiently to find out what could be Timothy’s secret. Did he transition into a male? Does he have several children he is hiding? Does he have a fetish for single mothers with children? I am not sure but whatever it is, I am ready to find out!

For some reason, I don’t think Timothy will disappoint with whatever he plans to reveal. But trust me; there are plenty of revelations that came out during the last 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days episode. Grab a snack and let’s discuss the hot mess that these people call their life!


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

When we last saw Rebecca she was antagonizing Zied by wearing an ugly sexy top to draw attention to herself at a bar. She tries to play innocent and confused about Zied’s reaction to his friend literally looking down her shirt. Ummm… Ma’am, you are well aware of the expectation of a woman to be conservative. It’s clear to me that you pulled this stunt just to get a rise out of your man.

Rebecca and Zied have a talk about what happened at the bar the night before. Zied explains that she needs to understand that she isn’t in America. Rebecca claims she understands, but she just doesn’t want him to get so jealous.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Recap: Love is a Battlefield

Rebecca wears traditional garb to get some brownie points when she meets Zied’s parents.  On the way there, Zied warns her of all the things she shouldn’t admit to his parents. He doesn’t want her to show her tattoos or reveal they have been drinking or having sex. Rebecca worries her love hasn’t been honest about who she is as a person. Duh! Rebecca, didn’t you just hear the laundry list of things that you were told to hide?


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Tom Brooks decides to take Darcey Silva for a cricket lesson. For some reason, she thinks wearing thigh-high boots was the right choice for this type of occasion. While in the car, she presents the idea of going to Albania to visit her sister and her boyfriend.  Tom has already made special plans, but she is so desperate to flaunt her man she doesn’t care. Tom reluctantly agrees because he knows Darcey wants him to meet her twin. He makes it clear they will need a suite.

RELATED: Darcey Silva Dishes On New Boyfriend From The New Season Of 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days

Obviously, he wants to make sure he has enough space to escape, if necessary. After a fun game, Darcey shows her desperation once again by asking when they will have sex. Girllll… If you even have to ask, then something isn’t quite right. Tom manages to fend her off by saying that it should just happen naturally. Darcey is completely confused by the man she met and the one she talked to on video chat. She doesn’t realize Tom is probably thinking the exact same thing. He thought he was getting a sexy American, not a blubbering, neurotic person.

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

At dinner, Darcey (again) starts begging for a man. Does she really think that embellishing her feelings isn’t detectable? Tom even calls her out on her BS. He questions if she is being genuine and feels like it puts too much pressure on him. Honestly, I don’t think Tom wants to shimmy out of his spanks for Darcey to see his entire body. I don’t think he is some knight and shining armor. His actions before she came to meet him told me everything I need to know. I think it’s more that he is hiding something and isn’t attracted to Darcey’s desperation than anything else.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Benjamin and Akinyi nervously trade-off food nicknames, while they prepare to meet her family. He is her vanilla ice cream and she is his chocolate. Umm.. really, you couldn’t be more original? Akinyi reveals that Benjamin will have to stay with her brother, despite him already renting a room. Someone would owe me some money. Clearly, she doesn’t realize he is as broke as a joke. Her brother wants to watch over him to see if he is worthy of his sister’s hand. Awkward………………. Being forced to stay with a stranger who will be judging you, is a lot of pressure. Whew chile, good luck, Benji, you’re going to need it!

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Recap: Little Lies

Benjamin arrives at Akinyi’s brother’s house to find it packed with her family. He will have to impress Akinyi’s brother before things go any further. Benjamin looks absolutely petrified. He is embarrassed when Akinyi presents him with a bracelet as a gift and he has nothing for her. Her brother definitely notices and wonders if he can provide for his sister. I hope she likes Doritos because that is about all he has to offer.

Once Akinyi leaves, Benjamin has a conversation with her brother about his intentions. Benjamin is jumping through a lot of hoops and he can’t even afford the bride price. I do have to give him some credit. Many men would have refused to stay with a complete stranger. Who wants to be grilled on a daily basis, especially if he already spent money to rent a place for their visit.

Avery, 19 (Ohio) and Omar, 24 (Syria)

 90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Avery is livid with her Syrian boo after he failed to plan their wedding that is supposed to be taking place the next day. Omar can’t get in touch with anyone and he is getting a taste of his American wife. Oh, little Avery I have a feeling that you screaming and walking out on your husband won’t be tolerated. Frustrated with Omar’s lack of a plan, she storms out of the room to talk to her mother, Teri. As expected, Teri is not pleased but decides to take control and come up with a plan to get married. She wants to be able to see her daughter get married before she has to leave to go back to the US.

Avery’s mother, Teri suggests that they all go to a mosque and see if they can get someone to marry her daughter and Omar. You can tell that Avery and her mother have no understanding of how things work. Avery and her mother immediately try to speak to the man at the mosque rather than letting her fiancé speak for them. Omar has to ask them to let him handle things and get them prepared to enter. They find out that there is someone who can marry them on Monday. Avery credits her mother for saving the day. She may have a lot to learn about following rather than leading in a relationship of this nature.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

Avery and Omar go out to celebrate their pending nuptials. Omar has an honest conversation with Avery about the state of Syria. He is worried that she may not be able to handle the new type of life she will have to live. There is no power or water and he knows his fiancé is accustomed to those luxuries. Avery is insistent that she is willing to deal with whatever that she has to in order to be with her husband. Oh, little Avery, life is going to get real for you very quickly. That struggle is REAL!!!!


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Angela Deem is on her way to Nigeria to see Michael Ilesanmi. She unveils several sexual gifts she plans to use to terrorize her man. I shudder when I think of all Michael has to endure just to get to America. From the Trump underwear to whips, he is going to pay for his visa one way or another. Angela can’t contain her excitement as she walks into the airport looking like Beetlejuice from the waist down.

Meanwhile, Michael is waiting on his fiance, Angela to arrive in Nigeria. He reveals that Angela doesn’t want him to hang out with his friends or even work. Angela wants her man to be totally dependent on her so that she is control of what he is allowed to do. His friends are shocked that he would allow a woman to control him to the point of not earning a living. Angela seems more like a warden than a love interest. I’m sure Michael can’t wait to hear his wife-to-be screaming in his face.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Season Premiere Recap: Crazy in Love

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

After a year of not seeing each other in person, Angela finally arrives in Nigeria to see Michael. They both excitedly greet one another. Well, we know that won’t last very long. It’s only a matter of time before Angela goes crazy on him. Well, I spoke too soon. This time there is crazy, but it’s just not Angela. A melee erupts when a van pulls up and puts up iron spikes.

I have no idea what is going on, but Angela jumps out ready and willing to intimidate anyone for her man. Well, this trip is off to a great start. I guess we have to stay tuned to find out the drama.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Timothy vows to not talk to his ex Veronica while he is on the trip. He wants to appease his girlfriend, Jeniffer, who is extremely suspicious of their relationship. When they arrive at his Airbnb, he has several gifts for Jeniffer and her daughter, Violet.

Later that evening, Timothy takes Jeniffer out for a romantic dinner. In a post-interview, she admits he isn’t her type, but she likes that he is a family man. I guess that is why he keeps ending up with attractive single mothers. They want their children’s needs to be met above their own. Jeniffer calls Timothy a pu$$y because he isn’t the type of man who works with his hands. Well… tell him how you really feel. You might as well just tell him he is unattractive as well and just get it out of the way. Wow!

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

After dinner, Timothy asks Jeniffer to stay the night. He even asks her to put on the pajamas he bought for her.  Once she gets in the bed, instead of warming the sheets, he applies eye masks. She is shocked to the point that she thinks he may be gay. She even pulls the move where she cuddles close with her behind on his crotch. What does Timothy do??? Absolutely, nothing. LOL!

What was the point of asking her to stay the night? Is he going to paint her nails after he removes the masks? Don’t get me wrong, I love when a man respects a woman, but he didn’t even attempt to kiss her.


90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

Caesar is in Mexico and still selling us the dream that Maria will arrive the next day. Yea, I guess pigs will fly as well. He finally retrieves his bag and now I realize why he was so worried when it was lost. He spent more on chocolate and gummy panties than he did on that fake $200 ring.

When he attempts to call and text her, he doesn’t get a response, per usual.  He spots some victims at the pool that he can tell this ridiculous story to. Even they are laughing in his face and know he is being catfished. He is shocked that anyone would think that he is in a fake relationship. Well, I have news for you, we all think that!

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: The Rest is Still Unwritten


[Photo Credit: TLC]