Southern Charm Eliza Limehouse

Eliza Limehouse Claims Southern Charm Inaccurately Portrayed Her Personality

Eliza Limehouse knows how to make an impression. Nothing says “I’m awesome” like showing up at Patricia Altschul’s house with questionable hair extensions Shep Rose and name dropping Thomas Ravenel. That’s what viewers were treated to in her first official appearance as a Southern Charm regular.

For some reason, Eliza felt the way to everyone’s heart was to inform folks how close she is to the old pervert Thomas and his maybe crazy girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs. During an awkward dinner, she gave fans and Kathryn Dennis ample opportunity to exercise their eye-rolling skills by repeatedly bringing up Thomas’ name. Despite his rep for being an ALLEGED rapist absence from the show and her clumsy attempts to converse with Kathryn, Eliza wants us to know, she’s cool, y’all.

In the Season 6 premiere of Southern Charm, Miss Pat had the gang over for a lovely little dinnuh pahty. Newbie Eliza strolled in and things quickly took a turn for the weird. After the episode aired, social media pretty much raked her over the coals. In an interview with Newsweek, Eliza backpedals claims the episode did not portray who she really is as a person. Where have we heard this before?

“I’m so new to this. So, I think all the other cast members are used to getting some negative feedback, but I’m not,” Eliza said. “I thought I was ready for it, but I don’t think I knew quite the extent of what it would be like.” Well, we have seen glimpses of Eliza in past episodes. Playing polo at Thomas’ house of horrors Brookland Plantation, she isn’t exactly a reality television virgin.

Eliza chalks up the poor response to veteran cast members getting on the bandwagon when they have an issue with one person in particular. While that might be valid, she didn’t do herself any favors by mentioning T-Rav 837 times.

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“I was damned if I do, and damned if I don’t,” Eliza explained. “If I didn’t talk, I was being a silent you-know-what. If I talked, I was over-talking or overstepping my boundaries. It was a rough start, but it gets better.” Let’s hope so, otherwise, this will be a bumpy ride for the youngster.

Eliza has taken a break from social media due to the backlash. After more than 200 messages criticizing her appearance on the show, she admits the negativity put her anxiety into overdrive. She says her family and friends have been supportive and “amazing”, but they send her photos of tweets and memes she would have rather avoided. Lovely! With friends like that, who needs enemies?

“It’s so hard to be like, ‘I’m so glad you’re here for me, but I really don’t wanna see it,'” she shared. Eliza was given some advice before filming began, “Whether you go on national television and look like a saint or the devil, people are still gonna say mean things to you, no matter what. That’s something you can’t control.”

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True statement. However, there are easier ways to navigate through difficult moments. Perhaps don’t mention a man other people cannot stand. Don’t walk into someone’s house and then praise a person who insulted the host and subpoenaed them to court. That sounds like a good idea to moi.

Eliza hopes Southern Charm fans will give her a second chance in future episodes. She claims she “genuinely cares” about her cast mates and says viewers will see a bit of her business side. “I work really hard and I hope people can see that … I’ve seen Naomie [Olindo] blossom with L’abeye.”

Eliza continued, “That’s how I feel about my businesses and my family’s business. It gives you this purpose and keeps me in check with my priorities, and has helped me to become a better person and a more goal-oriented person over the years.”

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In conclusion, Eliza says, “I’m not the type of person I look like on Episode One, so cut me some slack, it does get better for me.” Bless your heart, we’ll wait.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]