Sonja Morgan

Ramona Singer Says Sonja Morgan’s Berkshires Behavior “Disturbing”; Sonja Morgan Explains Breakdown

As an avid Real Housewives of New York fan, I live for the annual trip to the “Bezerkshires.” Dorinda Medley made Bluestone Manor “nice” for Halloween with crazy and gory decorations, including a peeping vampire. Dorinda booked massages and yoga to please Luann de Lesseps. Dorinda dealt with Bethenny Frankel insisting on having the best room in the house. She endured her guests fighting over who had the pleasure misfortune of staying in Dorinda’s expensive fish room, where you literally sleep with the taxidermy fishes. After much squabbling, that honor went to RHONY newbie Barbara Kavovit.

And then, Dorinda brought Sonja Morgan to see a historic Morgan house in the area, which elicited a strong reaction from Sonja. Sonja did not approve of how the historic Morgan papers there were treated.  Peasants people are able to touch the actual letters. Once again, poor Dorinda tried to do something nice in the Berkshires, and everything went up in flames. Later that night, a drunken Sonja hit on bestie Bethenny, and had a sobbing meltdown about the Morgan papers. In fact, Sonja screamed, “You don’t touch the f***ing Morgan letters!”

Sonja and Ramona Singer spilled the tea to Bravo’s The Daily Dish about Sonja’s emotional breakdown. “You shouldn’t touch historical papers…because the acids in your skin you know…deteriorate them. We learn this in art school, for instance,” Sonja said in a video clip. “And I did learn that over the years through the Morgans and the Adams family because of so many books that I had to keep in the libraries at different houses.” Sonja was also alarmed that visitors could touch anything that they wanted, and she felt that there was a lack of funding for the historic home.

Ramona found Sonja’s behavior at the Morgan house puzzling. “It was very…disturbing for me to see Sonja react the way she did [when we were] in the Morgan house in the Berkshires. It was almost like she had an out of body experience,” Ramona stated. “So I said, ‘Dorinda – what is going on here? We gotta get her out of here.’ Just like all of a sudden, she had this role reversal and I didn’t even know who she was. And it was very…it was a little scary…yeah.” Of course, during the outburst at dinner, Sonja was clutching Ramona’s dog Coco to her chest, which alarmed Ramona.

RELATED: Sonja Morgan Explains Going Berserk In The Berkshires: “It’s The Only Way To Handle It”

Sonja explained, “I think going to the Morgan house upstate was a good release for me to say, ‘OK, my house in New York was a lot of responsibility. I have a lot of family antiques I have to care for [for] my daughter.’ But when I drank that night with the girls, I let it go.” Did she ever!

“I just vented about these letters, and you know historical papers, but I was glad I could do it with my girlfriends. I feel like because I did vent with my girlfriends, who I can trust and, you know, get boozy with. Ummm.

I went back to my charity work with the family with a lighter air,” Sonja said. “Let’s just say the board meetings and the different events…I take it a little bit less seriously. I’m enjoying it more.”

RELATED: Sonja Morgan Comments On Bethenny Frankel Moving On after Dennis Shields’ Death

Ramona also came to Sonja’s defense about her behavior at dinner. “So yes –Sonja was very affected and disturbed about the Morgan letters, but then after not eating and having a drink or two, the whole reaction was so much more severe.” Thank goodness Sonja didn’t mention the Morgan family crest. I couldn’t stand another argument with Dorinda about whether Sonja should use the Morgan crest on her shoe line.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]