WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 15089 -- Pictured: (l-r) Craig Conover, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Kathryn Dennis & Craig Conover Comment On Sexual Assault Allegations Against Thomas Ravenel

Kathryn Dennis & Craig Conover Comment On Sexual Assault Allegations Against Thomas Ravenel

When it was announced that Southern Charm stars Kathryn Dennis and Craig Conover would be on Watch What Happens Live, the fans wondered if they would address the sexual assault allegations against their costar and the father of Kathryn’s children Thomas Ravenel.

No one from the Southern Charm cast had commented on it at that point, but Andy Cohen asked about it right out of the gate.

Andy opened the episode with “First things first, there have been some serious allegations in the news about Thomas. I have to ask each of you: What is your reaction? Or do you have anything to say?” He was not playing around. No softball question to start.

Kathryn answered, “Well, I’m waiting until the investigation is complete before I comment on anything. Right now, my kids are my focus.” Craig shared, “All I know is what I’ve seen in the media, so it really wouldn’t be right for me to say anything at this point. So… I’m where everyone else is.”

Andy asked Craig about his ex-girlfriend Naomie Olindo’s recent nose job. He wondered, “Do you like it?” Craig confessed, “Honestly, I cried.” Andy wondered, “Because you liked her old nose better?” Craig admitted, “It was tough. I am happy for her because she’s happy, but it’s a lot.” Andy told Craig, “You know what I love? A hot guy that cries. God bless you.” Same, Andy.

Andy asked, “How did that go over with her?” Craig shared, “She doesn’t know that.” Andy pointed out the obvious: “Now she does.”

Andy spent most of the episode trying to hook up Kathryn and Craig. He admitted, “I would love to poll the audience on whether or not they think Kathryn and Craig should get together.”

Then Andy asked Craig, “You would want to get back together with Naomie, still?” Craig answered, “No, not this Naomie. We had a great year and a half. The first year and a half was awesome. A lot of people who are close in our group would say that the person that’s there now is not the person I fell in love with.”

Andy circled back to the idea of Kathryn and Craig getting together. Andy asked, “Is this something the two of you have ever considered?” Kathryn confessed, “At some point like when we first met.” Craig chimed in with, “Like five years ago.”

Andy recalled, “You did have a little moment.” Craig reminded us all, “Someone made out with Shep [Rose].” Wait. Craig made out with Shep? Kidding. Andy admitted, “Oh, right. I forgot about that.” SMH, Andy. Craig’s interest in Kathryn was a pivotal plot line of Season 1.

Andy’s memories seemed to return because he did ask, You did have a moment, right? On that island?” Apparently Kathryn was caught off guard because she said, “Oh my god, yes” and followed that up with, “Oh no…” Andy cheered, “I knew it!” After all that, the audience was split in half on whether Craig and Kathryn should start dating.

A caller asked Kathryn, “Did you ever feel like Naomie took it a little too hard on Craig?” Kathryn admitted, “I mean absolutely. I think that she was driving home her point for sure. It was a little much. Yeah.”

Andy asked Kathryn, “There are conflicting reports that after you and Ashley [Jacobs] met, you texted her and she didn’t respond or she texted you and you didn’t. What is the truth?” Kathryn shared, “I texted her and then she me back like a book-long text message. I was emotionally drained and I just didn’t have a response.”

Then the conversation randomly turned to Vanderpump Rules cast member James Kennedy. Craig said, “I’ve had run-ins.” Andy wondered, “With James Kennedy that did not go well?” Craig gave a very unclear response: “Just a neutral… just absurdity of the…. I feel like…yeah.”

Andy wondered, “You two don’t get along?” Craig explained, “It wasn’t not getting along. I didn’t think I’d meet someone that was more absurd me than the friend group I have and they make Shep look sane.”

A caller asked Craig, “What do you think about Naomie being so outrageous and loud and asserting herself to everyone else this season?” Craig said, “I mean it stinks because unfortunately I did protect her for two years- that side of her. The other side of her is the most kind person I’ve ever met, with the animals, with people, with everything. She just has this anger problem and it sucks that I just finally had to take this step back and let everyone else see that. It’s unfortunate and I hope that she acknowledges that and works on it.”

Then Andy asked a not-so-original question: “Who gets laid more: you, Shep or Austen [Kroll]?” Craig said exactly what I was thinking: “We’re still doing this?” Andy told him, “Yeah.” And then Craig gave in and said, “Quantity, yes, that’s not gonna be me. Quality, would be different.”

A viewer asked Kathryn, “Would you ever hook up with Whitney [Sudler-Smith] again?” She answered, “Ummmm. Probably not. No.” Craig chimed in with, The ‘again’ thing just confirmed the thing that Craig said two seasons ago.” Kathryn corrected him on his Southern Charm history and said, “He called me out in Season 1.”

A fan asked, “What’s your opinion on JD’s [Madison] infidelity and how it seems as though his wife [Elizabeth Madison] took him back at Cameran’s [Eubanks] baby shower?” Craig told Kathryn, “That’s on you.” She muttered, “Oh, shit” before she said the word “mistake.” Andy asked, “Mistake that she took him back?” She told him, “Yeah.”

RELATED: Cameran Eubanks Believes Naomie Olindo’s Claims About JD Madison’s Infidelity; Says Naomie Is Still Into Craig Conover