American Idol Recap: Didn’t See That One Coming!

Last night’s American Idol elimination had the remaining eight contestants worried about their fate after a night filled with eighties tributes.

Ryan Seacrest approaches Joshua Ledet who had been feeling faint.  He seems very thrilled to have his health issues highlighted on the live show.  Ryan announces that JLo is introducing a new, sexy video.  He questions whether Jennifer had some sort of connection with any of the back-up dancers.  A blushing JLo pleads the fifth.  Oh, Idol…you’re so coy!   A sneak peek of the video reveals that it is very desperate sexy.

Not letting go of the fact that Joshua is sick as a dog, they show a video of a pre-school class in Vietnam wishing him luck.  Huh?  Last night’s results are based on duet teams.  Joshua is strong enough to make it to center stage with Jessica Sanchez.  Joshua sang “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” to rave reviews from the judges.  Jessica channeled Whitney Houston with “How Will I Know.”  Steven Tyler calls her (and her voice) absolutely “beautiful.”  Jessica fumbles, telling the crowd she doesn’t have a voice for eighties music.  Both are safe.

The Wanted, a British pop group, is introduced and makes quite a debut.  I like this song…I didn’t know they sang it!  However, enough is enough, let’s get back to the results!  Skylar Laine and Colton Dixon are the next pair in the hot seat.  Skylar belted out a country version of “Wind Beneath My Wings” and Randy Jackson called it her best performance to date.  She received a standing ovation.  Colton sang my favorite Cyndi Lauper ballad “Time After Time” and I loved it.  Jimmy didn’t agree.

Ryan wants to keep the anticipation high, so he calls Hollie Cavanagh and DeAndre Brackensick to the stage with Skylar and Colton.  Hollie flashed back with everyone’s favorite Flashdance theme, singing “What a Feelin'” and I wish I had on a cut-off sweatshirt.  The judges didn’t love it.  Perhaps, I loved the song more than her rendition, but you have to admit, it’s a fab, open your sun-roof and sing your head off song.  On the other hand, Jennifer loved DeAndre’s version of the El Debarge hit.  I concur with Jimmy on this one…the judges loved him, but I found it mediocre at best.  But his mediocre is better than I’ll ever be!  Unfortunately, he finds himself in the bottom three, and Hollie joins him.  Both Skylar and Colton are safe.


American Idol alum Kellie Pickler shakes her stuff to her new release “Where is Tammy Wynette?”  I adore Kellie – I have, since her season…loved her friendship with Katherine McPhee!  This song, however, might have to grow on me.  I am not loving it.  Thank you, DirecTV, for fast forward.  When she’s finished, I adore Kellie’s advice to AI mentees.  She’s adorbs!  Finally, the last two duet partners join RyanElise Testone and Phillip Phillips know one of them is destined to round out the bottom three.  Phil sang Phil…Collins, that is, and he gained mixed reviews from the judges – and Jimmy.  Elise sang a very cringe-worthy version of the power ballad “I Wanna Know What Love Is.”  Jimmy claims she choked after performing perfectly in rehearsals.  The judges are looking at her as if they are already saying their good-byes.  Phillip has my heart…and it’s not just because his name is, may I remind you, Phillip Phillips.  Elise is the final contestant in the bottom three with Hollie and DeAndre.

In a trick move, Ryan plucks Hollie out of the bottom three and sends her back to safety.  #unexpected  My fingers are crossed, and I hope that DeAndre sticks around for a while.  Steven reveals that he thinks America totally got it wrong with the bottom two.  Both Jennifer and Randy think that one of the two deserves their spot while the other should be safe.  Jennifer certainly couldn’t be talking about her pet DeAndre, could she?

Holy heck!  Elise garners a pass while DeAndre must sing for a life line.  I DID NOT see that one coming.  Will he be the one save of the season?  Lord, I hope so!  He sings his heart out, even incorporating his fellow contestants.  The judges are stoic.  I have no clue what will happen (so what else is new?)!  Regardless, this kid will get a record deal.  Jennifer speaks for the judges, admitting that DeAndre will not get a save.  She was out-voted two to one.  Again, he’ll be fine…he just needs to find Kellie Pickler backstage to learn that sometimes the winner fades, but the last few voted off will deliver.  Or he could just call Jennifer Hudson!

