Kameron Westcott Defends LeeAnne Locken As An Honest Person; Slams Brandi Redmond’s Social Etiquette

LeeAnne Locken may not have a lot of friends on the cast of The Real Housewives of Dallas, but she can definitely count on Kameron Westcott coming to her defense. Kameron weighs in on this week’s finale episode and has nothing but good things to say about LeeAnne, while questioning the social manners of Brandi Redmond.

Kameron shared her thoughts on the sit down with Cary Deuber, Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman. She adamantly disagrees that LeeAnne was “using” Brandi. “I think it was a good idea for them to all sit down together because I believe they have a lot of issues to address amongst each other. For just three people, they seem to have a lot of drama with each other, but they all seem to make up extremely easily! They all attacked each other’s families in some way, but they’re somehow all friends again? As far as LeeAnne goes…I don’t think LeeAnne would ever use somebody. She’s a genuine person and doesn’t need to tag herself onto anyone. She fights her own battles on her own. Why would she use Brandi? That’s so silly.”

Kameron was shocked when the drama started at the engagement brunch for LeeAnne, “I was caught off guard that all of this was even going on! I felt like a deer in headlights. How did I miss all this drama? Apparently, I really do live in a bubble. I did feel bad for LeeAnne though, because it was supposed to be an intimate engagement brunch to celebrate her engagement in a more personal setting, and it just did not go well!”


She adds that Brandi lacks etiquette in some social situations, “I’m not shocked at all by Brandi calling LeeAnne out. Brandi doesn’t seem to care ever about certain social settings, so she will do whatever she needs to at that moment. Do I believe everything Brandi is saying? No…I don’t believe LeeAnne is guilty of what she’s accusing her of. It all just doesn’t add up.”

Kameron shares her thoughts on the boat trip fiasco, “I was in such a mind storm that I actually wasn’t even paying attention to what LeeAnne and Cary were saying around me when we got off the boat. My mission that evening was to get off the boat and away from the people who were not respecting me. I do know that Cary was on her final string with Brandi and Stephanie because of other situations, and she also was trying to be a supportive friend to me because she didn’t agree with their behavior. But, I didn’t hear her say anything negative when we got off. I seriously was in another mind state. Same goes for LeeAnne. She never said anything negative — she was only getting off to support me because of the situation.”

Kameron is steadfast in her defense of LeeAnne‘s character. She blogged: “I stand by what I said before—I have never seen LeeAnne lie ever. She is an honest person and just tells people how it is. She may have repeated “rumors” in the past, but anything that comes out of her mouth that are her words are always legit. I don’t see LeeAnne ever hurting anyone. I think that it’s crazy people even think that. Makes me laugh, actually!!”


Photo Credit: Bravo TV