REPORT- Kim Kardashian Feels Desperate And Alone; Swears She’ll Never Date Another NFL Player! Plus Old Navy Ad’s Melissa Molinaro Slams Kim!

Ever since dumping her husband and being abandoned by the press because of her shallow behavior, Kim Kardashian is at her wits end. It seems everywhere the former star turns, more trouble emerges!

In the latest, Life & Style is reporting (via their print edition) that Kim has hit rock bottom! Overheard complaining to friends while dining at Cipriani in NYC, Kim was reportedly whining about how no one loves her! “I’m so alone. I didn’t expect all of this. It’s devastating,” she was overheard saying.

“Kim was shoveling in the carbs,” an eyewitness at the restaurant describes. “From the moment she sat down, she was munching on breadsticks. The table ordered a plate of prosciutto and Kim wolfed down a plate of pasta as her main course. When she was done she leaned back and rubbed her stomach satisfied.” Uh oh… maybe Kim is hoping to be Weight Watchers’ next celebrity representative!

Kim’s depression has reportedly stemmed from the constant criticism over her divorce and the incredible media onslaught she has faced since dumping Kris Humphries on her reality show, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, after a mere three months of marriage.

Most upsetting for the desperate Kim is her worry that she will never find another man stupid enough to fall for her crap because of her treatment of Kris. Not to mention all the rumors about her sexcapades with various celebs. Kim fears that no one wants to date her. “Right now I don’t know anyone who wants to be Mr. Kim Kardashian. Not after what happened to Kris Humphries, no way!”

Due to the stress of constantly reading negative things about herself via GoogleAlert, Kim has turned to food and solitude! “Kim is becoming a really private person,” a source says. “She stays home all the time. It’s like she’s afraid to be in public.” Funny, because there’s still a ton of paparazzi photos of her floating around every week!

Additionally, now that Kim is less famous than in the months preceding her divorce, many of her friends have ditched her. Don’t worry – Jonathan Cheban has stuck around! Kim is trying to change though, y’all, and find new friends through her renewed interest in faith. The 31-year-old twice-divorced, sex tape star has been tweeting about attending church and has expressed an interest in starting a bible study group. You know what – I hope she does!

Poor Kris H had his heart put through the ringer and sadly had to relive the dilapidation of his marriage through so-called reality television. Unlike Kimmie, who is desperately wanting a new man, Kris still hasn’t moved on from his harrowing experience of being married to Kim.

According to TMZ, the New Jersey Nets star has no intention of dating anytime soon, as sources reveal he is focused exclusively on his career. Which, you know, involves actual talent and hard work – unlike his soon-to-be ex-wife’s! Kris hasn’t been on a single date since learning of his divorce through the media. Apparently, Kris is having an amazing season, so maybe Kim dumping him was a good thing!

Responding to all those rumors that she was rejected by Tim Tebow and secretly hooking up with Mark Sanchez; Kim claims none of them are true! Riiiiight. In fact, Kim has decided she is done with the NFL and wants to expand her horizons to other professional sports to find her next victim boyfriend. Sources tell TMZ, Kim’s break up with Reggie Bush was so traumatic she’s never looked at a football helmet the same way since. Really? Kimmie’s sources must be forgetting about her brief relationship with NFL player Miles Austin!

Not only that, Kim’s break up was so stressful she apparently is suing Old Navy! And speaking of that, Kim will be headed to court for the estimated $20 million dollar lawsuit she filed against Old Navy and its parent company The Gap; accusing them of intentionally using a look-alike in one of their ads to mislead the public to believe Kim endorsed the company.

According to E! News, a trial date has been set for April 23, 2013, by Federal Judge Dale S. Fischer. The trial is expected to last about a week. The Gap is arguing that their advertisement is protected under the First Amendment – they will also attempt to prove that Kim’s reputation is already so awful, people thinking she’s in an Old Navy ad might actually improve things! Being that Kim won’t be in front of a judge until 2013, she has a whole year to withdraw her frivolous lawsuit!

Moving right along, Kim’s TV nemesis Melissa Molinaro, the girl who was accused of the so-called Kimpersonation for her appearance in an Old Navy commercial singing and dancing (like anyone thinks Kim can sing or dance!), is speaking out about Kim’s lawsuit. Melissa calls Kim’s desperate attempt for more attention and money lawsuit “silly,” but admits she doesn’t really understand what it’s all about!

“To be honest, I really don’t even know what’s going on with it,” Melissa told Fox411. “No one’s really called me and told me.”

“I just think the whole thing is a little silly,” she adds, echoing what nearly everyone else thinks. “I mean, they held auditions in Miami, New York and L.A. to find this girl, and they wanted to find a Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas type of girl – I mean, (Kim’s) name never came up – it was not on their radar whatsoever.” Whoa! So you mean when Old Navy said they wanted someone who could sing and dance they didn’t immediately think of Kim?! You don’t say…

It is rumored that Melissa, along with the man she shared with Kim, Reggie, will be expected to take the stand in an attempt to prove Kim’s real reason for filing the suit was personal. “What’s crazy about that is I’ve known Reggie for going on three years now,” Melissa reveals. “People thought that it was just because of the commercial, but I mean, I’ve known him for years. It wasn’t anything new – not for us.”

Additionally, Melissa, who is working steadily in the entertainment business has just released a single and filmed a comedy spoof for the SyFy Network, has no intention of selling out Kim style – aka selling her body – for her fifteen minutes of fame. And while she’s not naming names about who exactly she means, it’s pretty obvious!

“Nothing happens overnight, especially if you do it my way – which is with morals,” Melissa snips. “There are people – and we all know them – that sell out and they’re just famous for being famous. I’m not where I want to be – yet – but it takes a long time, if you do it the right way. There are a lot of girls out there who have done things in their careers to be famous and to make it, and I’m not in it for the 15 minutes–I’m in it for the long haul.”

“I have my morals and my values in check and my family,” Melissa asserts. Touché Melissa. Touché.

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