Little Women: Atlanta recap

Little Women: Atlanta Recap: Misfortune Teller

Little Women: Atlanta recap

After yet another food fight on last week’s episode of Little Women: Atlanta, this time at a party for Bri Barlup’s three year old son (yes, you are reading this right), Bri is trying to recover with some much needed family time. Amanda Salinas and Monie Cashette (one of the offenders) show up to see how Bri is doing. Monie sort of dances around accepting some responsibility for what happened but takes the easy road out when she sees that Bri is more upset with Ms. Juicy for bringing the Other Twins, who had beef with Monie.

Andrea Salinas is home and recovering from her recent C-section and getting as much help as possible from her parents while they are in town. Her parents have to head back to Texas and bring up the subject of Andrea coming back to live with both of her kids when Aubrey is out of the hospital. Andrea isn’t ready to deal with that big of a decision, so just leaves it on the table and says goodbye to her parents and son, which she hates doing.


Ms. Juicy needs to have a serious talk with the Other Twins since she brought them into the group and all they have done is caused trouble. While Ms. Juicy outlines all their wrongdoings, the Other Twins don’t seem to have any remorse and admit that they might have agreed to come to the kid’s birthday party just to get back at Monie, instead of to make amends like they originally said. But faced with the prospect of not being invited to anything else, the Other Twins decide they will figure out a way to make it right with a dinner party and squeeze out some fake tears.

Monie and Juicy show up for their pre-scheduled date to attend a twerk class with Amanda and Bri. Not sure why any of these ladies need a class since they seem pretty skilled to me (as witnessed by the last two seasons of footage) but I guess we need Ms. Juicy and Bri to hash out their issues and this is the place to do it. Juicy gives a sincere apology to Bri but Bri is still skeptical of the dinner the Other Twins want to throw as an apology to the group. Bri thinks it’s a bad idea since food and drink will be involved and I’m with her on that one. Maybe the solution is a kid’s tea party where everything is plastic and only air is served.

Andrea invites Minnie Ross over to catch up and drop the bomb that her good-for-nothing baby daddy, Chris has packed up his stuff and left. Already, while their daughter is still in the hospital and just like last time with their son. Andrea is still with Chris because he’s a “good dad” when he wants to be which is almost never. Not sure her standards could get any lower but Minnie isn’t exactly the best person to talk to her about standards. Regardless, Minnie tries and it falls on deaf ears. Andrea only told Minnie what happened because she thought Minnie would feed into her delusions that Chris is still worth her time but she miscalculated – Minnie says he won’t change.

Little Women: Atlanta recap

Ms. Juicy meets with her boss, Rickey Smiley, for lunch. Ricky might not know what sparkling water is, but he knows entertainment, so he’s happy to hear Juicy’s ideas about how to build her brand. Juicy wants to do a sex show and he thinks it’s a good idea. By the end of lunch, he’s had too much sparkling water and suggests calling the show “Squeeze the Juice with Ms. Juicy”.

Little Women: Atlanta recap

Monie drags takes Morlin to meet with a wedding planner that Ms. Juicy has set her up with. Despite the fact that this guy has been featured on all kinds of TV and magazine for luxury brides, Monie quickly suggests bubbles. Morlin forgets that he’s sitting next to a fiancé in a blue wig and suggests she tone it down a bit. Uh, good luck with that. He tries to chime in about dinner options and when he offers up chicken wings as a possibility, it goes over like a fart in an elevator. Monie is appalled, as if chicken wings have no place at a wedding that also counts bubbles as décor. Monie plows on with her “sky’s the limit” budget, right up until the wedding planner mentions they are looking at is $75K (damn, that’s a lot bubbles). Morlin won’t be put on the spot in committing to that number and as he visibly sweats, tells Monie she is acting like a bridezilla. I don’t know what planet Monie is on, but $75K is pretty steep for a 100 person wedding. And last time I checked, she doesn’t work and they live in an apartment that looks like a temporary arrangement. Soooo……

Little Women: Atlanta recap

Emily Fernandez is feeling lonely with her son’s health complications and video chats with Little Women: LA’s Terra Jole. Terra understands what it’s like to have a child with medical issues and seems to be very helpful to Emily emotionally. Emily reveals that baby JJ hasn’t made significant improvements since his tracheotomy and the doctors have told her he won’t have any real progress from here on out. The prognosis is bad but Emily doesn’t want to give up hope. Terra is able to give her the name of a specialist that really helped her and Emily is going to push ahead for the sake of her son. My heart goes out to her on this.

Ms. Juicy is about to record the demo for her new sex show and Monie and Bri show up to help out. Ms. Juicy gets introduce and did anyone else catch that the producer who introduced her is named Beyonce? Poor gal must never hear the end of that. Ms. Juicy starts fielding questions and the crowd jumps right in, asking all kinds of things that they haven’t bothered to Google. Juicy seems to enjoy the attention and nails all of her answers, like the true Queen of Sex Talk in the Basement of a Run Down Atlanta Comedy Club.

Little Women: Atlanta recap

The ladies show up for dinner the Other Twins have set up, which just so happens to be on the old set of American Horror Story: Coven. The bad energy is set aside for a minute (and not a second more) when the Other Twins apologize to Bri, who sort of accepts it. The Other Twins then reveal the dinner is a psychic dinner party. Well, now I’ve heard it all. What’s the psychic going to do, predict what the next course is?

The ladies don’t seem down for this but Minnie agrees to hang around for the free booze. She’s about to regret that because the psychic reads her and I mean, reads her. She ends up telling Minnie that she has a disconnect with a child. More specifically, that Minnie wanted to believe she had a child but it wasn’t real. Minnie won’t hear any more of it and the psychic sees she did enough damage and thanks them for the honor of airing out all their dirty laundry.

The ladies immediately start griping about how fake it was and I have to admit, it looks like the Other Twins just gave the psychic the dirt on everyone’s lives and let her take it from there. But Juicy doesn’t see it that way and tells Minnie that the psychic called her out on not really having a miscarriage. Minnie storms out and let’s just say, I didn’t need a psychic to predict that.


Photo Credit: Lifetime






