LeeAnne Locken & Brandi Redmond

Brandi Redmond Calls LeeAnne Locken A Bitch

In all honesty, it is taking me a little bit to warm up to the ladies on Real Housewives of Dallas, but the one person that I liked right from the start is Brandi Redmond. I can tell that she’s going to be pretty polarizing, just like another person named Brandi in the Real Housewives franchise, but she is the only one who is saying what the viewers are thinking. This woman speaks her mind and I agree with her- most of the time, at least.

As you saw during the latest RHOD episode, LeeAnne Locken seriously went off on innocent Stephanie Hollman about Brandi after she randomly shattered a champagne glass. It was over the top and completely unnecessary. And Brandi is still not pleased with what happened.


Brandi took to her Bravo blog to sound off on the episode and she had some choice words for the LeeAnne: “I knew going into the party that LeeAnne  had been gossiping about me, over exaggerating my hat by having her best friend Cynthia Smoot write a article that portrayed me negatively when in fact, nobody would have known had she not gossiped. The line was crossed when she took my friends to lunch to not be friends with me. That is ridiculous and so immature.” I know that all of these shows are edited, but I don’t blame Brandi for calling out this childish behavior. I don’t get why she feels this need to take down Brandi when Brandi doesn’t do anything at all like this to her. 

Brandi also wrote, “So I called her a bitch and I meant it. I will say that the act was that of a bitch and that’s that and I’ll move on from that. I was not worried about LeeAnne and her superior attitude. It’s about giving back to our community not belittling people to make yourself feel more important.” Honestly though. I am sure that LeeAnne does love giving back to charity, but the way that she has turned philanthropy into a social vehicle is a little too much for me. I understand how these social events help bring in money for very worthy causes, but it really does seem like she puts charity into terms that define her social status way too often. There is this chronic tendency to make charity events about herself and her contributions more so than the actual cause. I think she says the word “charity” about thirty times in each episode, but I wish that she just emphasized the people and causes that she was helping more than her social ties to philanthropy. Brandi is just saying what other people think when they watch the show.

Brandi did not like the way Tiffany Hendra forced the conversation with LeeAnne: “When Tiffany pulled LeeAnne over to talk to me I was not ready to speak to her. Had she actually reached out to me, maybe but she hadn’t and her comment was false. She also stated that I couldn’t keep my mouth shut which is actually quite opposite. I know trash on people around town because of her own mouth, not mine. Besides, she says I know no one, so how would I know these rumors if it weren’t for the Mouth of the South.” Fair enough, if Brandi was so unimportant as LeeAnne has said, then why would she feel the need to call her out?

Brandi also wrote, “Her reaction to me calling her out on her gossip was priceless because she didn’t want me to say what she had been spreading – and that’s a fact. I think she reacted the way that she did because she knew if I said it, it would call her out in front of everyone in the room. So let’s just yell in Stephanie’s face because she has nothing to do with this. #Bully” Honestly though, why would she bother calling out Stephanie? Why did she throw the glass? Why did she yell about “charity world going down the toilet”? LeeAnne is one of those people who is constantly talking about class and decorum, but rarely exhibits it. Brandi articulated her feelings really well and I think that she expressed feelings that other people had. It’s never good to call someone out of their name, but other than that Brandi‘s view of the situation really is logical.


Photo Credit: Bravo