Love & Hip Hop Recap: Cheerio Fools!

love hip hop erica

Before we begin, may I congratulate Yandy Smith and Mendeecees Harris on the birth of their daughter? Mona, did you have your Love & Hip Hop cameras in the delivery room? Speaking of babies, the episode begins with Amina Buddafly and Peter Gunz returning home from the hospital after the birth of daughter Corie. Peter has decided to focus on his new family now that ex Tara Wallace has given him the boot. He chooses to come clean with Amina now that everyone is home safe and sound, and he admits that he wasn’t on a business in Trinidad, but instead he was on a family vacation in Barbados with Tara and their kids. She is livid to learn that she’s his second choice. Amina swears she’ll never be able to forgive him…at least not for a few hours at least. Peter doesn’t understand her frustration. Shouldn’t she be happy he’s finally telling the truth?

Despite Erica Mena’s protests, Rich Dollaz and Cyn have totally changed their tune when it comes to their relationship. They are finally in a place where they don’t want to kill the other out of jealousy. In fact, Rich can’t wait to introduce Cyn to his new artist Precious Paris to see if a collaboration could be in their future. Before the pair meets, he also wants Cyn to taste test his new liquor to see if she is still willing to be the face of his brand. Precious Paris arrives, and she and Cyn hit it off immediately. Cyn shares her desire to create a tribute song for her brother who recently committed suicide. Cyn feels like she failed her brother, but Precious reminds her that she couldn’t have done anything he didn’t want her to do. Cyn hopes she can reach others who are suffering through her music. Precious and Cyn toast their new collaboration with Rich’s liquor.


Yandy is channeling her inner Diana Ross, and she is livid about the state of affairs between Mendeecees and Little Mendeecees’ baby mama. Mendeecees has full custody of his son, but when he fights with LM’s mother, she does shady things like picking him up from school without telling anyone. Yandy waited in the carpool line for hours to learn that Little Mendeecees wasn’t there. Mendeecees reminds Yandy that his ex Samantha refused to help with Little Mendeecees during his first prison stint, but now she wants more custody. Mendeecees believes that now is the time more than ever that he needs to spend the most time with his son. Yandy is ready for a heart to heart with her man’s ex. That night, a bubbly Yandy meets Samantha for dinner to talk about their issues. Yandy understands Samantha’s struggles being a single mom, but she wants to work on the Mendeecees and Samantha’s communication. Samantha suggests that Yandy play the middle man, but that’s not a role Yandy feels is the most appropriate. She’d like Samantha and Mendeecees to tackle their issues without her as the go-between.

love hip hop yandy hair

At the launch of his liquor, Rich is filling in Rashidah Ali on the latest drama with Erica and his new found friendship with Cyn. Rashidah believes he’s playing with fire, but I can’t be quite sure what he says as I am just so taken with her low key and polished hairstyles this season. Erica arrives wasted to visit her two most favorite exes, and Cyn plans to ignore the drama. Erica jokes with Rashidah that she has one powerful kitty as it was able to bring together two people who once enjoyed petting it. Am I taking that analogy too far? A drunken Erica starts in on both Rich and Cyn, and then she gets her hands on the mic. Who let that happen? Rich just smiles and rolls his eyes as Erica turns on a British accent, flashes her bra, and makes a dramatic exit. What was that? 

Later that week, Rich meets with Chink to rehash his launch, and Chink relives the whole “Chrissy went off birth control” story line from last week. Chink is still hurt that she would go off birth control without speaking with him. Rich hates that Chrissy chose that route, and he understands why Chink may now have trust issues. Chink admits that at the end of the day, Chrissy is used to having people walk out on her, and he’s not planning to be one of them. Rich applauds his friend for his maturity. Across town, Mendeecees is playing basketball and mentoring at-risk youth. This is the Mendeecees I love, and yes, I realize that cameras are rolling. 🙂 Yandy arrives to fill him in on her conversation with Samantha. She tells Mendeecees that if marrying her is important to him, he’ll make peace with his baby mama. 

love hip hop mendeecees

After Erica’s performance at the launch party, Cyn is getting manicures with Precious to gossip about the party. Precious believes that Cyn isn’t going to get any closure until she sits down with Erica one-on-one. Precious knows the formula that makes good reality television. Apparently so does Amina, because she’s taking the opportunity to meet with Tara after Peter’s Barbados bombshell. When Amina tells Tara that she just wants to get to the bottom of things, Tara reminds her that Amina knew good and well that Peter had a family with her when she proceeded to have a relationship with her. Amina counters that Tara broke up Peter’s first family knowing full well she was the other woman. Tara sputters that her situation was different, although she can’t exactly pinpoint how. I find it hilarious that neither of them have the brains to actually blame the man who keeps lying to them and cheating on them. The ladies play the fun game of Peter’s lies which, from Tara, include, “he never loved you, things went too far, he told me he never expected to find himself in this position with you.” She’s a shady one! Amina believes what Tara says that Peter has said, but Tara is tired of talking about Peter. Let’s talk about how they can co-parent half siblings cordially. Removing Peter from the equation may help…

Chrissy pops in on Chink in the studio wearing yet another hideous hair piece. She starts off on the defensive, but Chink just wants to apologize. Of course, before he can say he’s sorry, she spouts off at the mouth and he rescinds his apology. Their attempts at apologies just turn into a bigger argument. Chink likens it to tone and frequency in music. It’s a pretty stellar analogy. Chrissy believes that Chink’s decision to prolong his divorce (if he gets one at all) is disrespectful, and it makes her think that they have no future. Chink retorts that she made him second guess his divorce with her untrustworthy actions. Both are too proud to listen to the other and huff off after what seems to be a middle school break up. 

love hip hop chink

Mendeecees has agreed to meet with Samantha, and she is dead set on a court order to mandate custody. It seems to me that someone wants TV time…or that Mona decided that Mendeecees’ current story line was getting boring. Mendeecees tries to appeal to Samantha’s heart strings, telling her that he’d love to spend as much time as possible with Little Mendeecees in light of his potential jail sentence. He is practically begging her to see his side. I know he may not be a stand up guy, but I do think Mendeecees loves his kids to no end. The episode concludes with a ridiculous Erica photo shoot for a magazine cover. Cyn decides this is the best time to to cut ties with Erica for good. Erica retaliates that Cyn is being hurtful by working with Rich. Cyn tries to assure her that she’s not working with Rich to get back at Erica. Not surprisingly, their calm conversation quickly escalates into a bunch of bleeps and raised voices. The two are finally able to defensively apologize. Erica is actually on the verge of tears as she takes responsibility for her actions. Those crazy kids…


[Photo Credit: VH1]