Kenya Moore Slams Phaedra Parks And NeNe Leakes; Angling For Apology From Apollo


Kenya Moore has crowned herself the Shade Queen and we have to admit that she may have earned that title this season and via her no-holds-barred blogs.  In her newest blog, the Real Housewives of Atlanta star once again doesn't hold back about this week's episode, calling out her co-stars. 

Kenya blasts NeNe Leakes, dishes on Porsha Stewart's beard situation with Kordell Stewart and talks about the apology she is expecting from Apollo Nida.  Here are some highlights from this week's shady-palooza.  She dishes a special brand of bitchy for Phaedra Parks.

She titles her first section "THE MOOSE IS ON THE LOOSE".  "What grown woman threatens her friend to discontinue being friends with them because they don’t like him or her? I felt bad for Marlo, because she was always a good friend of NeNe’s and her biggest supporter and she really hurt her feelings. And the way she cursed out Cynthia who simply tried talking to her about Marlo… I thought her stripper days were behind her, but she is really showing her ass. They are both better off without her."


Kenya is all about the truth when it comes to Kordell and Porsha.  "When a woman states she married a man to “erase” his “tainted” celebrity, I hear “I was his beard.” I’ve heard half a dozen accounts on what her marriage was, and it’s clear Porsha can’t keep up with her own statements. I don’t care about Kordell’s sexuality any more than I care about their marriage.  But I do care about the truth.  I’m not sure how one “slays mud” as Porsha said, but that damage was already done in the beginning of her divorce by calling Kordell 50 different gay queens. They were married less than 2 years and have both moved on. Now that she has to make a way for herself, I wish her well." 

Kenya, Queen of the all Shade.  "There are varying degrees of shade. There is funny shade, warning shade, tea shade, and mean girl shade.  I’m the shade queen and no one throws shade better than me! With that said, I usually don’t hit below the belt with mean girl shade… dramatic pause… Unless someone hits me there first."

Phaedra Parks is next on Kenya's hit list.  She saved the best for last.  "Phaedra’s immature name-calling is as tired as her blaming me for Apollo’s whorish ways. She has unjustly targeted me for her miserable marriage and unfaithful husband often calling me “manless.”  Taking a page from her playbook, any woman can get a man, all they have to do is visit a prison yard and get pregnant. I’m not the other woman for her to hate. In fact, she should be thanking me for not being interested in Apollo. I never was and I never will be. We know his eyes are never on her and that’s painful for any woman to experience. We have all been there and we all see who Apollo really is. Unfortunately, I don’t think she is capable of the truth or interested in facts, just slander."

"In next week’s episode I try to get the truth out of Apollo once and for all, and the apology I deserve for the hateful lies. Wait for it…"

And a special shoutout to those who rip on her for not being married:  "I love it when people criticize me for inquiring or commenting on someone’s marriage when I’m not married. Well, I don’t have to smoke crack to know that crack kills; I don’t have to jump off a bridge to know that I can drown; and I don’t have to marry someone for the sake of being in a bad marriage so that I can say I’m someone’s wife. A ring doesn’t define me. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I’d rather be unmarried or in a loving relationship than be in an arranged marriage or with someone who acts as though they can’t stand me half the time."


Photo Credit: Bravo TV