Big Brother 12 Week 7 Spoilers – Nominees, POV Winner & BackDoor Plans!

Some major updates for Big Brother fans in week 7!

First, we saw Kathy, who might or might not be one of the worst players in Big Brother history, get sent home Thursday night after Matt used the Diamond power of veto, thus putting her up for eviction.

Kathy seemed to take things in stride in her post interview with Julie Chen, however expressing regret that she never had the chance to campaign for votes.

Following the eviction, Britney was crowned the new HOH and in this week’s spoilers, we reveal Britney’s nominees, the POV winner, and the plan by the HGs to backdoor a member of the Brigade.


HOH Britney nominated Brendon and Enzo for eviction.

Things continue to crumble for the Brigade alliance as the other members are no longer able to trust Matt. Right before the nominations, HGs Lane, Brendon, Enzo and Hayden told Britney they wanted her to put up Matt because the entire house (except Ragan) is against him and wants him out.

Britney of course realizes Matt would never put her up at this stage in the game and is hesitant. She tells them she will ask Matt if he would be willing to go up as a pawn. Matt says no of course and doesn’t get nominated.

Brendon won the POV, which caused Britney to freak out as she told Lane the only person who wants her out of the house is safe for another week.

The POV competition was one of those where the HGs had to give up a lot to win. Enzo gave away all his clothes, Hayden took some prizes ($5 k and a trip) while Brendon is a have not for 3 weeks, had to get handcuffed to Britney for 24 hours, and had to take a “chum” bath every hour for 24 hours.

The HGs excluding Matt and Ragan, seem to have convinced Britney that she needs to backdoor Matt, and as of today Britney seems on board with the plan. Matt mentioned to Ragan that Britney is starting to act weird towards him.

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