Hollywood Exes Recap: Mayte Garcia Adopts A Baby Girl!


Are y'all still watching Hollywood Exes? Hello? Anyone? Two weeks ago, the second season of  Hollywood Exes premiered  to 1.7 million, but nearly half of those viewers failed to watch last week's follow-up episode. Ouch. 

This week,  Mayte Garia frantically prepares to bring a baby  into her home, Nicole Murphy enjoys a little too much tequila prior to giving a public speech, and Jessica Canseco continues to annoy Drea Kelly's face off. Oh, Sheree Fletcher also unpacks some boxes, and I can't help but to wonder how many people will change the channel this week. 

Mayte has just days to prepare her house and fill it with baby stuff. Can you say overwhelming?! While shopping, she tries to focus on essentials only, but Nelly is easily distracted by the cutesy stuff. Pink hats, hand puppets, and pink booties!  Oh my!  Mayte demands that Nelly focus on important things only, saying, "I know what it's like to pack up baby clothes, and I don't want to do it again."


Last season, Terrell tried to convince Sheree to move to San Diego, but she refused to leave LA. Now, we learn that their home in San Diego has been sold, and we sit on the edge of our seats and watch Sheree unpack Terrell's stuff.


Perplexed by the things she's finding,  like what appears to be a child's mug, Sheree calls Terrell. "I made that mug with YOU," he says. "You took me to that stupid pottery place." Sheree's like, alrighty then, and she moves on to other useless to her things like boxing gloves and a basketball. Terrell tells her to keep her hands off such things. She marks GARAGE SALE on the box.

Meanwhile, Nicole shares that the Association for Prostate and Breast Cancer is giving her an award, and she needs to prepare an acceptance speech. This is way out of her comfort zone. Going to events and walking the red carpet – easy peasy. Going on stage and speaking – not so much. Still, Nicole pours her heart into the cause, and she and her mom become emotional. Nicole admits that she's nervous about losing her mom.

Taking a break from unpacking, Sheree visits Jessica, who needs relationship advice. To say the least. Jessica values her space – but considers moving in with her new man. She wants to take things slow – but feels as if the relationship needs a boost. Jessica wants this relationship to feel like past ones – but acknowledges that they didn't end well. She's a mess!

Jessica hems and haws when Sheree asks her if she's in love. Jess says, "It'll happen," to which Sheree says, "If you ain't got that spark right now, over time, it will dull further." Jess continues, saying that she wants to feel as comfortable with her new guy as she does with Jose, and Sheree tells her to be careful. Sheree thinks Jess and Jose's history/comfort level will scare away future men.


Next, it's time for the awards gala, and Nicole is happy that her friends and family are there to support her. And by friends, I mean tequila and more tequila. "Keep 'em coming right now," she demands. "A little liquid courage goes a long way." Mayte is like, a little? That drink burned my nostrils!

Nicole giggles and shimmies her way to the stage/microphone to accept the Spirit of Entertainment award. Nicole starts well. "We have to find a cure for this horrible disease called cancer," she says. "It has to go away because we are losing too many people with this horrible disease." But then Nicole starts to repeat herself, slur, and stumble over her words.  Sheree, Mayte, and Drea think drunk Nicole is hilarious.

Next, Mayte installs a car seat and packs a week's worth of supplies to pick up the baby. "I'm used to being the Mayte who lost her baby and the Mayte who is divorced," she shares. "But I'm not used to being the Mayte who is a mom." I find this statement to be incredibly sad. Am I the only one? Has she seriously been unable to be "just Mayte" for the past ten years? 

Mayte keeps this news to herself (and Nelly) and invites the others over to supposedly see the changes she made to her house. Obviously, she plans to suprise them with the baby, and Nelly is giddy with excitement. A huge change in attitude from the past two weeks, huh? 


Jessica, Drea, Nicole, Sheree, and Daphne oooh and aaah over Mayte's new decor and new paint. Mayte excuses herself, saying that she has one more addition to the house to show them, and returns to the room with her daughter in her arms.  Nelly cannot deny that she's completely in love with the baby – blood or not – and everyone is genuinely happy for Mayte.

Well,  Jessica might be happy,  but she also has a few opinions that she couldn't possibly keep to herself. Much to Drea's dismay. Jessica does not understand how the birth mother could walk away from her baby so easily. "I would do whatever it takes to keep her and make my life better," she says. "It's not like we're in a third world country." 

Drea's head is about to pop off!  "Not only am I hurt, I am pissed off," she shares. "I am pissed to the highest level of piss-tivity. Some things you don't do and you don't say. Somebody shows you their baby, you say congratulations!"

The baby says mama and the focus returns to Mayte,  who says,  "I'm dehydrated from the tears!"


Photo credit: VH1