New Jersey Housewife Wannabe Kim G. Slams Danielle Staub

In a new interview, the classiness known as Kim Granatell aka Kim G. is slamming her former BFF Danielle Staub, star of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

The wannabe housewife, who might or might not be pushing at least a 100-years-old, tells Celebrity Magnet that Danielle “blew a great friendship.”

“I liked her – I thought she was a great mom. I went to her house, we went out, she made dinner a couple of times,” explains Kim. “I introduced her to other friends of mine, we had a nice friendship.”

When asked what went wrong in the friendship, Kim G. says, “If it’s not Danielle’s way then she’s not happy. You can’t sit down and discuss logic or things that are going wrong in your relationship or friendship because she’ll cut you off and chew you down.”

And in the pot calling the kettle black news of the day, Kim G. also refers to Danielle as being an attention whore. “She wants attention like immediate,” says Kim, recalling Danielle having a diva moment when the pair was out shopping. “One day we were out in Neiman Marcus and she said, ‘I don’t carry bags, they can carry the bags for me or they can send them to my house.’

Kim however made sure to add that Danielle “doesn’t have money, and she returns everything.”

It gets even better folks as Kim G. accuses Danielle of not being loyal or trustworthy. “She really never said anything that would kill me, it’s the backstabbing, it’s the sneakiness, I just said, ‘Where’s the loyalty? Where’s the trust?, says the pot.

In other prostitution whore news, RadarOnline is reporting that Danielle called the cops this weekend after an ex-con from her past, Danny Aguilar, called her demanding a payment of $100,000.

And no this is not the same Danny, Danielle’s other ex-con buddy, who appears regularly on the show. According to Radar, Danny Aguilar is a convicted felon who was charged as Danielle’s co-defendant during her infamous 1986 arrest for kidnapping, drugs, extortion etc. Perhaps it would be easier to name the crimes Danielle hasn’t been arrested for.

Danny reportedly called Danielle on Sunday night demanding $100,000 he says she still owes him for bailing her out years ago with some big time drug dealers.

Danny told Radar, “My money got her out of trouble with these drug dealers. They wanted her dead and I didn’t want them to kill her. I paid for it. We all got popped, everyone went to jail and she snitched.”

After the 1986 arrest, Danielle entered into a plea bargain with prosecutors and agreed to testify against Danny and others in exchange for five years probation and mandatory cocaine testing.

Danielle called the Wayne County police station on Sunday to report Danny was stalking her. Danny however makes it clear he is no stalker, “I’m the ‘Real McCoy, I’m the one that did 15 years in a federal penitentiary over you. I’m no stalker.”

Which brings us back to Jeff Lewis’s appearance on Watch What Happens this week, during which he asked how many times a day does Danielle call up the Wayne County police?