Report: NYC Housewife Kelly Bensimon Is As “Batty” As She Seems On TV

Very slow news day folks, so bringing you some more Kelly Bensimon news. Below is an article written about the Real Housewives of New York City star that sheds a little more light on this KKB character.

The story was printed in the June 17th issue of InTouch magazine:

Kelly Bensimon Is Just As “Batty” As She Seems On TV

When Real Housewives of New York City’s resident airhead Kelly Bensimon hired a nanny in 2009 to watch her children Sea, 12, and Teddy, 10, her neighbors weren’t shy about alerting the new employee to what she’d signed up for. “They said, ‘You’re the fourth person in the last six months to work for her,’” claims the former nanny, adding that she thinks that Kelly is “crazy” and says she’s seen her start her day by spiking her coffee with Patrón tequila.

Meanwhile, Kelly continues to spend her time on twitterville posting nonsense and for some strange reason, replying to every negative tweet she receives. She literally spends all day, 7 days a week, replying to negative comments from fans of the show. Below are some recent tweets from her, all posted within the last 12 hours alone.

Kelly on the Mel Gibson’s racist audio tape rants –

Kelly – “Watching Today show and Mel Gibson. Who should we believe?”

Fan – “@kikilet U should believe da tapes u idiot! Mel is a racist. Da sooner he admits it the faster we can move on!”

Kelly – “its not my job to judge the personal lives of people. We have courtrooms for that.”

Kelly replying to a fan who was actually being nice to her –

Fan – “Just saw that @kikilet’s daughter is on Twitter. I know how we all feel about Kelly but I’m hoping every1 is being respectful to her CHILD.”

Kelly – “i know you feel betrayed by BRAVO.i am only human. please move forward. i am bored with the ‘breakthrough’. i filmed 3 days later.”

Kelly on her twitter name kikilet:

“my twitter name is ‘kiki’ azzedine alaia,a. French designer gave me the name. So it’s little kiki.”

Other random tweets by Kelly –

“i love twitter, but we need to empower each other. my followers are smart, witty, and cool. we dont succumb to mean. why should we?”

“bravo hired me for my authenticity, integrity, honesty, and legitimacy. whatever works for them works for me.”

“you got it. I am just authentic. I am not going to be fake for popularity, sorry. I am human. hiiii.”

“bullying is a constant I love u, I hate u, I love u. Where have u seen that exhibited?”

So umm yeah.