Real Housewives of Orange County Daughter Briana Culberson Reveals Feelings On Brooks Ayers & Living With Vicki Gunvalson!


Brooks Ayers has become notorious, hasn't he!? On this week's episode of Real Housewives of Orange County talk was all about Brooks and his nefarious deeds in Mexico. And it was also all about why Vicki Gunvalson's daughter Briana Culberson and her husband Ryan despise Brooks so much they won't even allow him near Vicki's house so long as they are living there! Wowzers. 

In a new Bravo blog, Briana explains this perspective and insists Brooks is up to no good, but that she also questions him around her son Troy. Interesting! 

"While I was pregnant, Ryan and I were house hunting and put a few offers on homes nearby and came very close to purchasing a home for our family. Ryan got orders to move to another base almost three hours away, so we canceled our house hunt and started brainstorming on our options."


Briana says they all sat down and came to an agreement that they would move in with Vicki in case Ryan was deployed so she could help with Troy and they could contribute financially. 

"My only concern with moving back home with my mom was that I didn't want whomever my mom was dating to be coming in and out of the house with the baby and I living there because I want a stable, positive environment for Troy."

Rumor has it that Brooks was making deals with the tabloids leaking information about Briana and Ryan's wedding and about other members of the RHOC cast, including Vicki, which is what has caused much of the animosity. 

As for her concerns about the positivity with Troy, Briana shares, "My mom and Brooks have a very drama packed relationship and are frequently 'on and off.' I didn't want Troy (or myself) to be around any fighting or any men coming in and out and in and out of the house."

"My mom told Ryan and I before we moved in that she had no plans to move Brooks in and that their relationship wasn't at that level. I would have NEVER moved into the home if I was going to get in the way of my mom's relationship moving forward, which she assured me that I wouldn't. The decision to move into my mom's house was out of pure convenience and not necessity."

Briana adds, "I told my mom on Day 1, 'If you feel like I'm getting in the way of your life or your relationship, give me the word and I will happily get an apartment down the street, no argument!"

"Ryan and myself have both had interactions with Brooks that made us question his character and his intentions with my mom," Briana continues. "I am extremely protective of those that I love, and my mom is high up on that list." 

"Ryan spent a lot of time one on one with Brooks and saw some red flags regarding his behavior behind my mom's back. At the end of the day, Ryan and I want the best for my mom. I will always be picky about who my mom dates, as she was picky for me. My biggest concern for my mom is that she ends up with a genuine man who has her best interest in mind." 

"At the end of the day, Ryan and I are in NO position to tell my mom what to do with her life and who to date," Briana concludes. 

Vicki reveals that she is happy with the arrangement and totally agreed with Briana and Ryan's request to not have Brooks in her home while they are living there. "I am perfectly fine and more than OK with this compromise at this time of my life," Vicki writes. "It keeps Briana, Troy, and Ryan happy and truly we don't have any conflicts at all." 

Heather Dubrow also chimed in and gave her opinion Brooks. She was shocked by Ryan's revelations. "Terry and I have also spent a lot of time with Brooks. He has always been fun, funny, gentlemanly and appropriate," she writes in her blog. "Terry and I have never witnessed any of the behavior that Ryan was talking about. Vicki just wants to be happy and live her life. I wish everyone would let her." 

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