The Bachelor Recap: Did Sean Lowe Make The Right Decision?


The most romantic Bachelor finale ever is finally here. Who does Sean Lowe love more – Catherine Giudici or Lindsay Yenter? Will he propose? Will the infamous letter change everything? Chris Harrison welcomes us to the three! hour! finale! and promises big surprises. I don't believe him. 
First, Catherine and Lindsay meet Sean's family, and Sean hopes his family's input will give him some much needed clarity.
Catherine is a ball of nerves and fights the urge to put up her guards. Catherine admits to Sean's family that she went into the Bachelor feeling skeptical, adding, "I didn't know how much I would learn about myself or that I would have feelings like this. It's beyond comprehension." 

Following their one-on-one time, Sean's Mom, Sherry, says that she'd be thrilled to have Catherine as part of the family. Their time together goes well but it's Sean's Dad, Jay, who steals the show. Jay asks Catherine how she knows that she's in love. Catherine says, "I can be my complete self and give my complete self to him. I'm excited to have a best friend for the next six months life." 
Jay adds, "When Shay married Andrew, he became my best friend. If you marry Sean, you will never have a bigger fan than me. I will love you like my daughter." Catherine becomes emotional, saying, "That feels like a dream to me. To think that I get this family as my family feels like a dream." 
Lindsay is nervous about making a bad impression. So, hold the booze, please. Everyone laughs as Sean and Lindsay talk about the monkeys on the beach and the crazy girl in a wedding dress. 
When Jay asks Lindsay how she feels about conflict within a marriage, she says, "Marriage is compromise, a lot of prayer, communication, and figuring out where we can meet in the middle." Loving Lindsay's answer, Jay goes on to tell her that he's been praying for Sean's wife every. single. day. since he's been born and he couldn't be more happy if it turns out to be her. 
Now, it's just Sean and his family, and Dad thinks Sean is in a win/win situation. While that's an encouraging thought, it's not helping Sean's situation, as he is in love with both Catherine and Lindsay (or so his contracts makes him say) and still doesn't know who he's going to propose to. Do I smell a Sister Wives spin off in the making? Mom says, "It's got to be something you are excited to do and just feel in your heart or you don't need to be proposing to either one of them." I couldn't agree more. If Sean doesn't know BY NOW who he wants to be his wife, he is in no position to be proposing marriage to anyone. If I were the chosen one, I wouldn't be feeling too special right now. Am I crazy? 
Final Dates and Thoughts
Thankfully, Sean has one more date with each woman before he has to make a decision. 
Lindsay and Sean take a raft down the Mekong River. The date goes like this: Lindsay, "I love you.(giggles) I really mean it." (giggles) Sean, "I know you do." (kisses) Lindsay thinks that Sean's kisses "tell it all." At the end of the date, Sean and Lindsay release three wishing lanterns. For love, happiness, and marriage.
Sean's final thoughts on Lindsay: "Lindsay and I share this spark that has grown into this massive flame. I feel 100% comfortable with her."
Catherine and Sean ride an elephant to a tree house that's surrounded by more elephants. Two thoughts: I want to ride an elephant. Not with Sean. Just in general. Thank goodness that Tierra isn't on this date. She'd fall off the elephant and the elephant would step on her and Sean would give her a pity 90K diamond ring. At the end of the date, Catherine tells Sean she loves him and chases him down to say goodbye a second time.
Sean's final thoughts on Catherine: "Catherine is stunning, witty, easy to be around, and loving. I truly feel like I'm with my best friend."
Sean finally knows which woman he cannot stand to live without. Granted, it's on the morning of the final rose ceremony, and the whole last minute decision situation continues to feel weird to me.
Final Rose Ceremony
Lindsay is the first to arrive… and so begins the worst day of Lindsay's life… Sean tells Lindsay that he's amazed by her spirit, love, and generosity. Lindsay smiles. All of a sudden, Sean looks like a sad puppy, saying, "This is the toughest thing I ever had to do. I want to give you my heart so bad but my heart is leading me somewhere else." 
Sean goes on and on. and on. and on. Sean has been confused. Sean has been praying for clarity. This is the hardest thing that Sean has ever had to do. Sean loves her. Um. Yes, Sean says, "I love you. I know I do." Ouch. Lindsay says, "It's okay. Please just.. don't… it's okay." Sean needs for Lindsay to know how hard this is for him. Forgive her, Sean, but she's kind of dealing with her own feelings right now. Lindsay says, "This is really painful, a nightmare, and I didn't see it coming. I'm happy for you, but I can't imagine my life without you." Lindsay takes off her heels (ha! love it!) and walks away (the sad puppy follows).
Driving away, Lindsay admits that she feels like an idiot, adding, "I fell for it. For him to dangle everything I've ever wanted in front of my face and then take it away… it's not fair. Why did he do this to me? I don't want to be alone." 
The infamous over-hyped letter is from Catherine and arrives before she does. Sean is sweating bullets, wondering if she is about the break his heart, but he's elated to read all about how much his chosen one loves him.
Leading into the final rose ceremony, Catherine knows this moment will change the rest of her life. She just doesn't know yet if it'll be a good change or a bad change. 
Sean's proposal: "I've has so many unexpected and wonderful moments with you. You never cease to amaze me. I miss you every time we have to say goodbye. I don't want to say goodbye anymore. Catherine, I want to spend the rest of my life telling you I love you and making you feel like the most special and beautiful woman in the world." 
Sean drops to his knee and asks Catherine to marry him. Despite the fact that her entire body is shaking and she looks like she's about to pass out, Catherine says yes. "Is this for real?" Catherine says. "I'm so addicted to you!" Sean and Catherine ride off into the sunset on an elephant. 
After the Final Rose
Sean is SO HYPER and ready to be with the LOVE OF HIS LIFE Catherine.
Chris knows that America is dying to see their "favorite couple" together again. I think Chris overestimates how invested America is in the final outcome of the Bachelor these days. Anyway, Chris says, "We have to deal with this bit of business first." That "bit of business" is Lindsay, of course, and I'm sure she's thrilled to hear herself referred to as such.
Sean fails to give Lindsay any closure, saying, "You're phenomenal in every way. I still light up when I think about you because you are such an incredible person." In response to that, Lindsay begs Sean to tell her what they were missing, then. Sean says he simply couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye to Catherine. Lindsay handles the non-closure well and says she's thankful for the experience. 
"Next, it's America's favorite couple," boasts Chris. "That's right, it's Sean and Catherine." (in case we've already forgotten about them)
Catherine loves Sean with all of her heart and wants to grow old with him. Sean adds, "She's my best friend, the love of my life, everything I ever wanted and so much more. I feel incredible blessed to have her in my life." 
After reassuring America that they're still very much in love, Sean says, "We seek to remain in the spotlight via Dancing with the Stars normalcy. She just wants to hold my hand."  Sean and Catherine reveal that they'll be getting married very soon on TV. Fantastic.
Also, as we already reported, Desiree Hartsock is our next Bachelorette. I really like Desiree. This is the first time in many seasons that I'm truly looking forward to the upcoming season. Yay!  
Photo credit: ABC


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