The Bachelor Recap: The Women Tell All

Welcome to the Bachelor's annual Women Tell All special.
As always, it's two hours of engaging video recaps, heartfelt bachelorette retells, and passionate audience reactions all centered around Sean Lowe. Errr, when I say engaging, heartfelt, and passionate, I really mean repetitive, catty, and obnoxious. 
Eighteen of Sean's rejected bachelorettes – Diana WillardsonAshley Palenkas, Brooke Burchette, Daniella McBride, Amanda Meyer, Jackie Parr, Kacie Boguskie, Leslie Hughes, Kristy Kaminski, Taryn Daniels, Katie Levans, Robyn Howard, Sarah Herron, Selma AlameriLesley Murphy, AshLee FrazierTierra LiCausi, and Desiree Hartsock – show up for the event.
Chris Harrison only allows a select few to speak. Thank goodness. 

Tierra in the Hot Seat
Tierra is this season's that girlthat girl isn't here for the right reasons, that girl who creates drama and drama, that girl only wants to win, that girl doesn't want to make friends, that girl who has the Bachelor fooled, and so on.
According to Tierra, people tend to pre-judge her because she naturally lights up rooms. She says, "They don't give me a chance to have that light and be open and show my personality. They immediately judge me based off of what I look like instead of the inner person and the heart." 
Then, adding insult to injury, Sean gave Tierra a rose right out of the limo. Tierra feels as if she never had a fighting chance with the other girls after being forced to walk into that room with that rose. I mean, her light and sparkle are intimidating enough, my goodness! 
Chris points out that the other girls weren't hated after receiving roses on dates. Tierra says, "They just felt that I didn't want to be friends with them." (short pause) "I didn't want to be friends with them." 
When Chris asks Tierra why she didn't even make an attempt to even be friendly, Tierra says because she felt ganged up on. Chris gives her a chance to air any regrets or offer a few apologies, but she insists that she didn't do or say anything wrong. Robyn, who is fed up with the sweet and innocent act, calls Tierra delusional.
Brooke adds, "You made it clear that you didn't want to be friends and you made it clear that you didn't like any of the women in the house, so don't make it seem like you're this innocent person. You set the tone. It was beyond getting the first rose. It was everything you did leading up to the time you were let go." 
AshLee takes issue with Tierra's recollection of their blow up in St. Croix. When AshLee says she doesn't appreciate being called a liar, Tierra responds, "I did not call you a liar. I said you lied to me." Huh? This starts a whole new argument, and Tierra vents to Chris about how no matter what she says "to them" it's not right.
In the end, Tierra admits two things. One, maybe she didn't handle the drama that is the Bachelor in the best way. Two, her engagement is the real deal.  
Sarah and Desiree in the Hot Seat
Sarah and Desiree share similar feelings. Each felt something with Sean – a connection like no other – and day dreamed about a life together. 
Sarah shares that she let her guard down, allowing Sean to see her vulnerable side, and that's not something she has ever done before. A very emotional Sarah carries on about why relationships never seem to work out for her. Just a thought – maybe it's because she never lowers her guard. 
"It's the worst to be told, 'You're great, but you're not good enough for me,' and I always fall back on the thought that it must be because I have one arm," Sarah says. "I think I'm funny, I think I'm smart, and I think I'm great, so I don't understand why." 
Desiree wonders if her brother played a part in Sean letting her go, adding, "It certainly didn't help." 
In the end, Sarah reveals that the Bachelor experience has taught her self-acceptance and how to be open and vulnerable. Desiree looks forward to finding love (most likely on the Bachelorette)  and embracing all that life has to offer (ie, all the men that ABC has to offer).
AshLee and Sean in the Hot Seat
AshLee insists her silent exit was more "I don't know what to say to Sean" than "I want to punch Sean in the throat." I don't think I believe her.
Sean reiterates that AshLee was his front runner for most of the season, adding, "Everything seemed to match up with us. I want someone that I can really create a family with and build a home that's full of laughter. I couldn't find that laughter with you." Ouch.
AshLee is upset because Sean didn't check on her after the rose ceremony. Thinking about his own experience, with Emily Maynard, Sean says that would have made the situation worse. AshLee disagrees and argues that "the man" should have checked on "the girl."  
AshLee continues, asking, "Why did you say you had no feelings for them?" She is referring to Lindsay Yenter and Catherine Giudici, of course, and Sean denies AshLee's claim. 
AshLee: Sean (puppy head tilt)
Sean: I didn't say that.
AshLee: Twice you didn't say that?
Sean: I promise I didn't say that. I didn't. I wouldn't say that.
AshLee: Sean.. come on… (puppy head tilt)
Sean goes on record, insisting he didn't say such a thing, and AshLee maintains that she didn't make it up. I think Sean probably said something like "don't worry, they don't matter now, you matter now" meaning "let's enjoy our time and not worry about  them." Either way, AshLee comes across as bitter and crazy. 
The Bachelor season finale and after the rose air on Monday. Will Sean choose Lindsay or Catherine? Do you care? Will you watch? 
Photo credit: ABC