Kris Jenner Talks All Things Kris And Kardashains, Avoids All Things Kris Humphries!

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It's that time again!  Here's a quick rundown on all things Kardashian!  We couldn't NOT write about them…what if they went away?  How would I make a living?  😉  I'm kidding, obviously, but they really aren't going anywhere, especially now that Kris Jenner has landed her own talk show.  I'm actually really curious to see what it's like.

While promoting said talk show, Kris is going to milk the news of daughter Kim Kardashian's baby…since Kanye West wouldn't let her do it in the tabloids.  I honestly think Kris is just trying to detract from the fact that Kim is likely going to give birth to the tiny rapper's child while still married to Kris Humphries.  Can you blame her?  It's quite a messy little situation, wouldn't you say?


The Huffington Post reports on Kim's cravings.  According to momager Kris, her eldest daughter is craving "Pizookies. … It's a giant cookie and I think it's at BJ's and I think it has ice cream on top, but right now it's all about the Pizookies."  Also on Kim's list of pregnancy wants?   Kris shares that Kim's been eating lots of artichokes, Chinese chicken salad and french fries.

Excited about the prospect of her third grandchild, Kris is already planning her time with Kimye, Jr. even though she'll be busy with her newly announced one hour talk show on Fox which will hopefully bomb.  She jokes, "We could have a nursery on the set and I could babysit.  What do you think of that, Kim?"

Forgetting about the grandchild for a second, and focusing on her new baby–the talk show–Kris shares, "This is a lifelong dream.  I used to visit Kathie Lee 20 years ago and thought how lucky she was to have a talk show. I can't believe this is really happening."

Thankfully, the baby and the talk show are distracting from the recent allegations claimed in her ex-husband's journals.  Robert Kardashian's widow has come under fire for releasing his accounts of Kris' alleged child abuse and affairs.  Of course, Kris' rep recently told Page Six that the accusations were baseless, calling them "ridiculous and not true." 

If Kris does want something negative to focus on, it should be her daughter's divorce from the other Kris (I still can't believe the names).  It doesn't seem to be going away any time soon! 

A source close to Kris Humphries tells Radar Online that the NBA player is no where near giving up his quest for an annulment based on fraud, saying, “Kris’ case will be very simple and straightforward.  He believes the key to proving that the marriage was fraudulent lies in the production and filming of the Kardashian reality shows. Kris says that just before filming began on the fourth season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York, he started to have boxes of his belongings shipped from Minnesota to Kim’s house in Los Angeles, and that she began freaking out about it and questioning if it was a good idea for him to move in. Kris says he was stunned by her reaction, and he subsequently decided to stay in Minnesota longer than he had originally planned because of it."

Continuing, the insider adds, “Then, he claims, a short time later, Kim began to bombard him with text messages and phone calls ordering him to come back to New York and be with her because filming was about to start. Kris says he couldn’t believe it….here was his new wife losing her mind because he was having stuff sent to her house in California, but then she has no problem pressuring him to return to NYC for the show!”

The source also cites the season premiere of K&KTNY when Kim tells sister Kourtney, “I can’t live with Kris, he is such a slob….I’m not used to someone in my space, let alone messing it all up….I don’t know if I can live with him at home in L.A.”

As for the divorce proceedings, someone close to the situation shares, “The deposition will take place in the next several months, after having been postponed several times due to scheduling issues on both sides. The delays are benefiting Kris’ team right now as it just gives them more time to gather yet more ammunition to bolster their case…And, the shows are proving to be a goldmine! On a recent one, Khloe is filmed whining to Kim about how long the divorce is taking and bitching that Kris doesn’t talk, but barks like a dog. Kris believes Kim and her family are using the reality shows to tarnish his name.”

You know, I really want Kris to get this annulment, for no other reason than to take this family down a tiny notch, but geez.  Give it up already, brother!


[Photo Credit: Joseph Marzullo/]