Jeff and Jordan In Love, Talk Depature From The Amazing Race

Jeff and Jordan on The Bonnie Hunt Show

The recent episode of The Amazing Race brought us the unfortunate departure of Big Brother couple – Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd.

The duo appeared on The Bonnie Hunt show this week during which they discussed their time on the show, shared that they were still together and even admitted to being “in love,” (we can all let out a collective awwwwwwww).

Jordan, 23, revealed her plans to go back to school this summer, and Jeff, 31, is back at his old job. Though the couple is currently in a long distance romance, they did not rule out moving in together in the future. A video of their appearance courtesy of TVGrapevine is below.

The duo also gave an interview to TVGuide, excerpts from that is below – When you got to the Detour and saw that Brent and Caite were still looking for the grapes, why didn’t you choose to do the same? Did you think doing the glasses would be faster?

We actually started with the grapes and then switched to the glasses. We knew we were really far behind, so we thought they were out there for hours, when they weren’t. I feel like I really screwed up on the Race. I think you should stay where the competition is and beat them at the task, but my choice was always to go down the unbeaten path. “Listen, they’re doing this. Let’s do the other one because I can do anything as well as anyone else.” That just wasn’t the case. I should’ve listened to Jordan a little bit more because I think it hurt us a few times. … I mean, I’m an athlete, so we should’ve picked soccer right away [in Germany]. But I heard Brent and Caite say they’re going to do soccer, so I just picked the other one. … But [we] like to make mistakes.

Jordan: It was also my fault because I didn’t speak up enough. I was like, “OK, well, if he thinks we can do it, let’s do it.” Last time we talked, you said you were done with TV. Do you still feel the same way?

I think we’re going to take a vacation from reality TV. I think people are getting sick of us, too. We need to let all parties settle down a little bit. As far as reality shows go that are on the air, I think Amazing Race is definitely top-notch. It wins Emmys and it’s the classiest way you can go reality. Jordan wants to go on the Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels! [Laughs] I can drive the bus!

Jordan: Shut up! I want an Amazing Race re-do.

Jeff: We want Amazing Race against fifth-graders! Are you sure you can beat them?

No, but it would be a great show. We’d be neck-and-neck all the way! We’ll pitch that one to CBS.

It was nice watching Jeff and Jordan on the Amazing Race, and tough to see them leave the show, but it just seemed at times that they didn’t want it bad enough – for example, when they refused to eat the sauerkraut during one of the earlier competitions. And let’s face it, though very cute together, these two are not the brightest bulbs of the bunch.


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