Gerry Turner and Leslie Fhima in The Golden Bachelor
Photo by: Disney/John Fleenor via Getty Images

Golden Bachelor’s Leslie Fhima Says Gerry Turner Made Promises He Didn’t Keep

Any finale in the Bachelor Nation catalog is a hard pill to swallow because audiences know someone will end up hurt. However, The Golden Bachelor finale may have been the roughest yet.

For all the joy in seeing Gerry Turner get together with Theresa Nist, there was a sadness in seeing him turn down Leslie Fhima. Although Gerry and Leslie could’ve gotten to know each other better, there was still quite a connection there.

That was what made the finale such a nail-biter in the first place. Gerry had told Leslie she was the “one” during their time in the fantasy suites. And, according to Leslie, he said much more than that off-camera.

Did Golden Bachelor Gerry tell Leslie he would pick her?

On December 4, Leslie had her first interview after The Golden Bachelor finale. She told hosts of the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast that Gerry made promises to her, in the fantasy suites no less, that he didn’t keep. “He made plans with me for [the] future,” she said. She explained that Gerry didn’t propose, but did just about everything short of that.

“He said kind of, like, ‘Save the date, this is what we’re going to do. I can’t wait for us. [In] two more days, we’ll be done with this [and] be together, start our life.’ Did he say, ‘Will you marry me?’ in there, no, but he all but said that.” Leslie added, “I would’ve been happy with just, ‘I love you,’ but he took it to a different level.”

While Leslie admitted she wasn’t worried when Gerry left for his date with Theresa, she reiterated the blindsided feeling she expressed during the AFR reunion. Leslie reflected, “I feel like I didn’t get a ton of closure with him, but that’s OK. I felt like I closed it with myself.” While she understood Gerry had a choice to make, she said, “he could have chosen not to say those things to me.”

Gerry and Theresa will get married live on TV in The Golden Wedding, January 2024 on ABC.