Real Housewives of New York Season 14 Reunion, Part 2 Recap: ‘That’s All the Elephant We Have’

rhony reunion part 2
Clifton Prescod/Bravo

Welcome back to Part 2 of the Real Housewives of New York City Season 14 reunion. We pick right back up where we left off last week, so let’s dive right into all that went down in the RHONY reunion’s big conclusion.

Too much talk about Jessel’s sex life

rhony reunion part 2
Charles Sykes/Bravo via Getty Images

Jessel Taank is going after Sai De Silva and Erin Lichy for talking about her sex life. To be completely fair, Jessel did open that door when she confided in them that she and Pavit hadn’t been intimate in the year and a half since their babies were born.

“You implied that my husband was cheating on me because I’m not having sex with him,” she says again. Both Sai and Erin emphatically deny that they ever said any such thing.

But then we see the clip of them talking on the phone about Pavit’s planned overnight trip to Vietnam. “That’s enough time to get into trouble,” Sai told a giggling Erin.

“When you talked about your sex life – or lack thereof – did you also talk to them about your postpartum struggles?” asks host Andy Cohen.

Though nobody seems to remember it, Jessel did tell Sai and Ubah Hassan in the same conversation. “I’m really self-conscious about my [C-section] scar,” she said. In addition, she later explained to the group how their efforts to conceive affected them. “It was work.” They went through five cycles of IVF, which is physically and emotionally draining.

Sadly, rather than being sympathetic, Sai and Erin turn the tables on Jessel and make it her fault that they didn’t understand what she was going through. They are definitely mean girls.

Eventually, both Erin and Sai apologized to Jessel that they ever implied that Pavit was cheating on his wife. They just didn’t understand the whole situation at the time.

Sai’s tough childhood is highlighted at the RHONY reunion Part 2

Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

As we all know, Sai’s mom was an alcoholic. But she was also an amazing artist. Sai did everything she could to help her, but she just couldn’t save her. “But at the end of the day,” Sai says, “I also want to remind people that she wasn’t a bad person.”

“That’s really important,” Andy comments. “With all that you’ve been through, that you can find that positivity in who she was … Is that hard?”

“I try,” Sai admits, sniffling back tears as Erin hands her a tissue. “Growing up with my mom, she was not stable. We moved around a lot. She did her best.”

Sai shares that her mom suffered from mental illness and tried to self-medicate with alcohol. Sai didn’t notice anything until she got into high school when her mom would hang out in Central Park and drink. Sometimes a police officer would call and say her mom had fallen, and Sai would have to go to the hospital. Or her mom would get arrested.

“It was literally like having a child,” Sai says. “I was constantly waiting by the phone to see if I was gonna get a call to go pick her up. I held my breath thinking that I would get that call that she was dead, and I finally got it.”

Finally, Sai took her into her home to live. “She got so drunk in front of our kids, David said, ‘She has to go, you have to throw her out.’ It was the hardest thing I ever had to do … and three months later she died. I felt like it was my fault.”

The phone prank revisited

Craig Barritt/Getty Images

In Anguilla, Ubah absentmindedly left her phone in the transport van, and Erin kept it as payback for Ubah’s pushing her into the pool. When Ubah realized Erin had her phone and was playing a prank, she was furious.

“Does anyone in the group think Ubah over-reacted?” Andy asks. Only Brynn Whitfield and Jenna Lyons raise their hands.

“In my job, I travel a lot,” Ubah explains. Her family lives in Vancouver, Canada, and they worry about her. They asked that she participate in a group chat twice a day – morning and evening – just so they can know that she’s okay.

“None of us knew [Ubah’s experience],” Jenna says. “Without context, it just felt really over the top.” But she admitted her reaction made sense when you consider her background.

“Jenna … I did not ‘react,'” Ubah tells her. “Ask [Jessel]. I cried in the room with her, and I said, ‘How can she do that as a good friend?’ … I woke up in the morning…”

“And she said to me,” Jessel interrupts, “let me calm down, and I will go to her in the afternoon.”

“I gave you grace all morning, I missed breakfast,” Ubah continues, “and now you tell me not to mention your f*cking name? I just want to bury you.” That’s when the situation blew up. Erin just pushed Ubah too far and then tried to gaslight her that she blew a “prank” out of proportion.

As the reunion winds down, Ubah announces, “Well, that’s it. That is all the elephant we have.” I guess that means the party’s over. As Ferris Bueller said, “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home.”