Real Housewives of New York Season 14 Winners and Losers

Real Housewives of New York RHONY
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Real Housewives of New York Season 14 has nearly wrapped up, with only the reunion yet to air. Season 14 was a wild ride, that featured a completely new cast. Ubah Hassan, Jenna Lyons, Erin Lichy, Sai De Silva, Jessel Taank, and Brynn Whitfield all made their debut this season. While some were well received by fans, others were very much not. Three of the women notably ended RHONY Season 14 on a high note, while the other three did not leave the best impression.

Ubah Hassan – Winner

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Ubah was definitely one of the winners of RHONY Season 14, and she did not take long to become a fan favorite. It was immediately clear that Ubah had a strong drive—she has her own hot sauce business after all! Unlike some of her fellow cast members, Ubah always looked at things from a rational perspective and did her best not to be the source of the drama. However, she did not hesitate to defend herself, such as when Erin infamously hid her phone.

During the Season 14 finale, it was revealed that Ubah was currently seeing someone new. Ubah started the season off single, so this was certainly a juicy revelation. Ubah ended the season on a super positive note, whereas some of her fellow cast mates were not so lucky.

Jenna Lyons – Winner

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Jenna is another winner from RHONY Season 14, who started the season as somewhat of an underdog. Similarly to Ubah, Jenna began the season single and ready to mingle. By the end of it, however, she was able to find love and there are currently rumors that she may even be engaged!

Another great thing about Jenna was that she never failed to be her authentic self. She was open about not wanting to fly coach, and she made a bold statement by deciding to wear jeans to the reunion. We approve! Jenna showcased a lot of growth throughout the season, which deems her as one of the winners.

Jessel Tank – Winner

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Despite having a rocky journey on RHONY Season 14, Jessel also ended as a winner. Jessel had one of the season’s biggest redemption arcs, since she didn’t start off on the best note. By the end of the season, there were not many fans who were not rooting for Jessel. She gracefully dealt with bullying from some of the other women, who went as far as suggesting that her husband might be cheating on her.

During the finale, Jessel came back stronger than ever. She quickly shut down Sai and Erin when they attempted to start drama, which showed that she was the bigger person. Jessel ended RHONY Season 14 as a winner in our book!

Sai De Silva – Loser

Sai De Silva
Charles Sykes/Bravo via Getty Images

Sai was unfortunately one of this season’s losers, she really brought the villain energy! Sai was unreasonable in her feud with Jessel, which was nothing short of petty. During the season finale, Sai got aggressive and rude with Jessel for no reason. Sai eventually got too out of hand and began cursing, which resulted in Jessel walking away.

Jessel was not the only woman that Sai did dirty, as she was also a bad friend to Ubah. Ubah trusted Sai not to tell the other women about her new mystery man, but Sai had loose lips. It was revealed during the finale that Sai had gone back on her word to Ubah. Yikes.

Brynn Whitfield – Loser

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Brynn also ended the season as a loser, as she was the source of most of the finale drama. While Brynn was not involved in as much of the drama prior to this, the finale really changed her fate. It was her own birthday party that caused the chaos, after all!

After several drinks, Brynn dropped the bomb to everyone that Ubah had a new boyfriend. While this was also Sai’s fault, Brynn should have known better, regardless. Brynn went out of her way to embarrass Ubah, which is just not cool.

Erin Lichy – Loser

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Finally, Erin is last on our list of RHONY Season 14’s unfortunate losers. While Erin had good intentions at times, she ultimately contributed to way too much of the drama. Erin also demonstrated mean girl-like qualities throughout the season, such as when she outed Jenna to the other women in Anguilla.

Erin also had a tendency of being hypocritical, such as when she was able to joke about Jessel’s marriage without being able to hear jokes about her own. While Erin was not the worst during the finale, she was also not the best. She originally acted extremely immature when Jessel walked in, which was just unnecessary.