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Kroy Biermann Demands Sale of $3 Million Home Shared With Kim Zolciak

Good morning to everyone except Kim Zolciak! Welp, It’s time to call the ball for Kim, put a fork in this woman because she’s done. It seems Kroy Biermann is truly fed up and it appears he’s got good reason. The Real Housewives of Atlanta alum has faced some ugly allegations and now Kroy is pulling receipts.

Amid round two of Kim and Kroy’s divorce, we might be seeing the real impact of a gambling habit. Kim f’ed around and found out, and now Kroy is finally trying to put an end to the madness. Radar has the details.

Wow Kim, wow

PSA – before you read the article – find some inner peace because you’re about to be disgusted. Let’s be clear, Kim has no concept of saving money and she’s proven it. That’s because she basically spends money on herself instead of the roof covering her kids’ heads. AlLeGeDlY…

Basically, Kroy was forced to run to court and demand the sale of their Atlanta McMansion. He needs the $3 million Shack of Shame sold immediately so he can put the funds towards their massive debt. Kroy has requested an emergency hearing.

Kim remained unbothered as she and Brielle Biermann flew off to LA. Kroy’s motion stated he and Kimbo are still living in the McMansion, which they’ve almost lost to foreclosure several times now. “The mortgage on the marital residence is held by the financial institution, Truist and is held in Petitioner’s name alone. The names of both parties appear on the property deed. Over the course of the marriage, the parties have incurred significant debt. The parties faced foreclosure proceedings in February 2023,” legal docs read.

“The marital home was set to be auctioned on March 7, 2023. In just the nick of time, the parties were able to avoid foreclosure and the home was taken off the auction block. An agreement was reached with Truist, that placed the parties on ‘foreclosure probation’; if the parties made their mortgage payments every month for three months, the unpaid amount would be placed at the back of the loan and foreclosure again avoided.”

Stay with me, it gets worse

So all they had to do was make three house payments in a row to avoid a really nasty situation. Seems reasonable, right? It’s reasonable to you. To me. And to the spirit of my dead cat. But it clearly wasn’t reasonable to Kim. According to Kroy, he was able to make the May and June payments despite the “financial devastation” Kim has “has wrought upon the family.”

Let’s hear from Kroy’s attorney, bless his heart. “Every month Petitioner struggled to find the money to pay the mortgage. He sold some of his designer backpacks and other personal items. He begged [Kim] to sell some of her purses to help make the payments but, she refused, stating the purses were “hers,” and she was not going to sell them.”

Okay, but she did try and sell them. On her Instagram Stories for an overblown price – and she made sure to tell potential buyers she was accepting Zelle for payments. The lawyer continued, “Ironically, she has been selling purses, hers and her daughters’ and other high-end fashion items including her infamous wigs. However, none of the funds garnered from the sale of these items have gone towards the mortgage, or any other bills. The parties failed to make the July mortgage payment and they are again facing foreclosure. “

Wait – it’s not done getting worse

This is particularly abhorrent. “The parties’ financial situation is dire and will soon dramatically affect the well-being of the four minor children. Petitioner finds himself trying to cobble together enough money to pay the $2,000 electric bill. Meanwhile, Respondent flew to Los Angeles for some rest and relaxation.”

Kroy also said Kim refuses to take accountability for any of the mess. And this is Kroy paying dearly for enabling bad behavior. The attorney shared, “Throughout the marriage, Respondent spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on online gambling, shoes, purses, clothes, wigs, and wine. Whatever money she does win, borrow, or earn from the sale of her purses, is funneled right back into maintaining her persona of a glamourous woman living a lavish lifestyle.”

Ultimately, it’s time for Kim and Kroy to end the fairytale.“There is no doubt that the parties must reside in separate residences for the sake of the children,” his lawyer stated. Living in a home with no electricity or running water would certainly be detrimental to the minor children.”

Up next, Kim avoids accountability by going into rehab. Stranger things have happened.