Married At First Sight Recap: -The Ugly Truth

Just when you thought Married At First Sight couldn’t have any more drama, this episode is released.  After everything that went on last week, I thought we may get a break. What the hell was I thinking? Let’s be honest most of these couples are realizing either they don’t like each other or there is something about their spouse that is concerning. At this point, I would be shocked if anyone decides to stay married. But given I am a fan of the show, I know it’s not over until it’s over. There is no telling what can happen in a short time. We will just have to sit on the edge of our seats until decision day.

The couples have one final chance to speak with the experts as Decision Day draws near. The experts help the couples confront truths.  One couple finds it difficult to continue on in the process.  But another couple is ready to go all in. Let’s get straight to the recap.

Morgan and Binh

Binh worries that he will disappoint his parents if he gets a divorce. His family is extremely religious and traditional and he fears his father would use this against him. Honestly, I’m over the Morgan show. I don’t need to hear her berate her husband or continue to whine about the same topic every episode. Insert side eye here. When Dr. Pepper asks Krysten if she feels her marriage is over, she responds that she wants a divorce. Binh agrees, but for different reasons. Based on his experience, he questions if he was truly ready for marriage. I feel bad for Binh, but this divorce is for the best.

During a group outing, Morgan and Binh reveal to everyone that they decided to get a divorce. She also takes the opportunity to throw a dig at Binh by saying she could never be friends with someone like him. In a post interview, Binh believes that she needs to let things go and forgive him in order for them to move on separately in a healthy way.

Krysten and Mitch

Krysten meets with Mitch‘s sister-in-law, Stephanie to express frustration about how he always wants to debate. Stephanie isn’t surprised because she experienced the same thing when first getting to know Mitch.  But she encourages Krysten to continue to voice her concerns. Later, Mitch and Krysten meet with Dr. Pepper Schwartz. Krysten brings up how she feels judged by her decisions when it comes to her husband’s stance on the environmental and societal issues. Honestly, it seems like no matter what she does, it will never be enough for him. He even challenges whether she truly is ready to be with someone who will always remind her of the consequences of her actions. Krysten is very honest and admits she doesn’t know if she can because of how much it affects her.

Mitch speaks to Krysten‘s sister about their marriage. While talking, he broaches a subject he has been too nervous to address with his wife. He explains he is most attracted to his wife when she looks more natural, without the makeup or straightened hair. He asks for advice on the best way to tell Krysten. Her sister is ready for this question and defends Krysten’s right to choose how she looks. She explains that women aren’t always presenting themselves for male attention, often times it how they feel most comfortable. She worries if Mitch mentions this; it will appear he doesn’t fully accept Krysten. This is especially important considering he initially saying he was not attracted to her.

Like a good sister, Stephanie warns Krysten about the conversation she had with Mitch. During a group outing, Alexis brings up his thoughts about his wife’s looks and questions if he is over that. Given that Krysten is already privy to the conversation with her sister, I wonder did she ask Alexis to bring up that topic. Initially Mitch says he doesn’t remember saying that, but eventually admits he wanted someone who looked earthier. Krysten goes off about how she deserves a man who is excited about her and isn’t constantly trying to change her when the experts try to minimize the weight of his comments. Amen, sister! Don’t let this man cause you to second guess your beauty and who you are as a person. If he isn’t your husband, there is another man out there. I was proud that she stood up for herself. Too often these experts encourage participants to overlook toxic behavior.

Lindy and Miguel

Lindy and Miguel enjoy a day of axe throwing, where she easily takes the win. Afterward she shares her concerns that something could happen that would destroy their relationship. Miguel admits that he isn’t the type of guy to make long term promises. He makes it clear that he isn’t going to stay in a loveless marriage, which only makes her worry more. It’s obvious Lindy wants reassurance that Mitch is quite comfortable giving her, despite them exchanging the L word.

Miguel meets with one of Lindy‘s friends to get more insight into his wife. Although her friend tries to highlight more of her positives, Miguel is still concerned about her being quick to be negative or angry. He reiterates that he isn’t going to stick around if those things become constant. Later, when this is addressed with Pastor Calvin Roberson, he recommends Lindy to scale back on those actions. She is always warning him about her temper, so I think that Miguel is beginning to see the signs that she may not be joking.

Alexis and Justin

Justin meets with Alexis’ friend Will to update him about their marriage. Clearly, things have been going downhill between the newlyweds over the last couple of weeks. Will encourages them to be patient because the way they got married. That could cause anyone extra stress and anxiety. While that may be true, I believe their personalities just may be too different. I’m not sure if they have enough time to completely turn things around.

Alexis and Justin meet with Devon Franklin to address their problems. Devon actually does a good job of helping them reflect and see things they can do to be the best reflection of themselves and their marriage. They both seem encouraged by his words, but I can’t help but to think it’s only a matter of time before things go back downhill.


Stacia and Nate

During a meeting with Stacia, Nate and Pastor Calvin she admits she told Nate she loves him. Although he hasn’t said it directly, he feels like he could go down that road if he lets go of the fear of getting hurt. But when Stacia reveals she cheated in a relationship 10 years ago, Nate expresses disappointment. Obviously, no one wants to feel judged after being honest about something that happened so long ago. But I guess Nate didn’t get that memo. Hopefully, this doesn’t affect her ability to feel safe to open up in the future.

Stacia meets with two of Nate‘s friends and worries when she learns he has never been in a serious relationship. She is unsure of how long it will take for him to fully open up or fall in love if he has never done those things before. If I am being honest, I would be concerned as well. To jump from no serious relationship to marriage is a big leap. Stacia admits to his friends she feels she is bearing the brunt of the relationship. Sigh! I don’t need to be a psychic to know that this is going to come up again in some way.



[Photo Credit: Lifetime]