90 Day Fiancé Recap: The Elephant In The Womb

Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance was full of surprises. It’s crazy how so many of these couples every season just ignore all the red flags. Despite all of the entertainment and drama it provides, I actually feel a little sorry for them. It has to be extremely hard to leave everything and everyone you know and only have a short time to get married and assimilate to a new life. But that is not to say some of the responsibility isn’t on them. It doesn’t seem like most of these couples actually discussed and agreed on some of the most important things before they applied for their K-1 Visa.

Emily takes a pregnancy test.  Patrick demands that Thais tell her dad the truth. Guillermo gets cold feet. Shaeeda questions Bilal‘s motives behind asking for a prenup. Mohamed issues an ultimatum to Yvette. Miona tells Jibri‘s mom they are eloping. Let’s get straight to the recap.

Patrick, 31 (Austin, Texas) and Thais, 25 (Brazil)

Thais meets with friends she met at the housewarming party to vent about her relationship with Patrick. She is struggling with whether or not she made the right decision to get married/She feels like because he is the breadwinner, he thinks nothing of making decisions without her. Her friends encourage her to be direct with him in order to have a say in their future plans. Despite them being on her side initially, they are shocked to hear Thais still hasn’t told her father she is getting married.

Thais confronts Patrick on making all the decisions for their wedding. He reassures her he isn’t trying to do everything; in fact it is beginning to take a toll on him. He claims he has only made the calls to vendors because of her English. He also questions if she even cares about a ceremony since she still refuses to inform her father of it. This seems like it can be easily fixed. When Patrick makes calls, he can include her and translate if necessary. Thais, can stop being passive aggressive and attempt to act like an adult and tell her dad the truth.

Emily, 29 (Salina, Kansas) and Kobe, 34 (Cameroon)

Emily shocks Kobe when she tells him that she is late on her period. They make a mad dash to a pharmacy for a test, only to find out that she is indeed pregnant. Obviously the timing isn’t the best considering they are still trying to get on their feet. Also, Emily’s parents requested that this was the one thing they don’t do when Kobe first came to America. Sigh! Emily’s solution is to hide her pregnancy from everyone, until they are forced to reveal it. When Kobe doesn’t immediately appear happy, she is annoyed. It’s clear; he is stressed out because he knows her family will blame him for their predicament.  They also aren’t financially able to raise another child without the help of her family.

Kara, 29 (Charlottesville, Virginia) and Guillermo, 23 (Venezuela)

Kara is in wedding overload now that she and Guillermo have decided to have a larger ceremony. She feels like most of the tasks are falling on her because her fiancé is foreign to the country. Guillermo is willing to help, but the controlling side of Kara has reared its head again. Guillermo’s discussion with his hair stylist only makes him more nervous about Kara’s behavior. He wanted to believe things would change once they were married, but he is now realizing that may not be the case.

Guillermo and Kara go out to dinner where he confronts her on some of their issues. When he asks her if she is willing to change some of the things that he doesn’t like, she is infuriated. She seems more upset that he is bringing this up 2 days before the wedding, than the fact that they even have these problems. Instead of using this as an opportunity to work on things, she just goes off and displays more red flags. Good luck Guillermo!

Bilal, 42 (Kansas City, Missouri) and Shaeeda, 37 (Trinidad and Tobago)

Shaeeda confronts Bilal on his ex-wife’s behavior when they last met. She felt bullied and harassed in her own home. Unfortunately, Bilal doesn’t seem shocked or upset by the conversation. However, he does admit that their prenuptial agreement shouldn’t be discussed outside of them.  Naturally, Shaeeda is annoyed that he didn’t say anything to reassure her that his ex-wouldn’t overstep again.

Bilal presents Shaeeda with a copy of the preup and she can’t hide that she is hurt. She feels like it represents how hard she will have to work in America to have anything. If they get divorced, she wouldn’t have anything to show for her time with him. She decides to have a lawyer look over the agreement before she signs anything.

Jibri, 28 (Rapid City, South Dakota) and Miona, 23 (Serbia)

Jibri’s mom and Miona have a conversation in hopes of resolving some of their issues. Miona wants to compromise without allowing everyone else’s wishes to dictate her plans. She has agreed to wait a year before having a nice wedding. But she still plans to go out of state to take pictures and elope. After their conversation, Jibri’s mom fills her husband in on the plans and he is disappointed. It seems they didn’t think that Jibri and Miona would still opt to get married. At this point, I think they need to allow their son to grow up and make his own decisions.

Yvette, 48 (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and Mohamed, 25 (Egypt)

Yvette and Mohamed clash on their plans for their wedding.  He wants to get married sooner in a mosque, while Yvette is holding out for the perfect venue. He is in a rush to get married so that he can finally have the freedoms his green card will provide. But she isn’t concerned about them having to wait just a little while longer, if it will result in them having a beautiful wedding.

The next morning, Mohamed issues an ultimatum. He wants her to agree to quickie weddings so that he can get his paperwork done. He threatens to find another sponsor, if she is unable to meet his demands. Yvette is shocked and begins to wonder does Mohamed even truly love her. Honestly, I don’t think these two should be married. There are way too many red flags for them to just expect them to go away once they are married. Is a month delay really going to make that big of a difference in him being able to work in 6 months?




Photo Credit: TLC