Eboni K. Williams Real Housewives Of New York

Eboni K. Williams Says She Was “Embarrassed And Hurt And Disappointed” By Ramona Singer

This season of Real Housewives of New York has an identity crisis. The first Black Housewife on the franchise, Eboni K. Williams, has tried to educate her co-stars about racial issues. It just doesn’t work with Ramona Singer.

Eboni isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She stated, “Frankly, I was not going to tiptoe around these women when it came to any of it. I’m not playing with y’all… Their comfort is just not my concern,” Eboni remarked. The attorney has been called too “preachy” on RHONY, but Bravo has her back.

The network issued a statement supporting Eboni. “Bravo invited Eboni K. Williams as the first Black woman to join the cast of The Real Housewives of New York to be her authentic self, which has brought a new perspective to the show. We support Eboni in expressing her views, and we are proud that the show is addressing these important and relevant issues.” Are you taking notes, Ramona?

When Eboni invited her RHONY co-stars to her Black Shabbat event, she excluded Bershan Shaw. It was awkward because she invited everyone in front of Bershan, who is also a Black woman. Eboni gave some lame excuses, but fans were annoyed. Don’t be a “grandma,” Eboni!


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Ramona reluctantly attended the event, along with Sonja Morgan and Luann de Lesseps. Ramona’s behavior defies description. She dissed the size of the napkins to the hostess. Ramona complained that Leah McSweeney, who is converting to Judaism, attended by Zoom.

Leah was quarantining because she was exposed to Covid.  She said a lovely prayer in Hebrew, but it didn’t impress Ramona. Ramona discussed how she was excluded by a group of Jewish people when she was in college. Why must Ramona make everything about her? Sigh.

Then, Ramona announced she was “hangry” and went to the kitchen. She took her actual plate and chowed down on the next course, horrifying Eboni and the hostess. Then, Ramona laced up her running shoes and had someone call an Uber. I’ll bet that Eboni wished that she had invited Bershan instead of Ramona.

In an interview with the New York Daily News, Eboni opened up about the show diving into serious subjects. She rejected the idea that RHONY was going back to lighter fare and called the idea a type of “gaslighting.”


RELATED: Eboni K. Williams Slams Ramona Singer For Evading Conflict; Says Ramona Is “A Professional Runner”


Eboni explained, “We’ve addressed on various ‘Housewives’ shows and platforms, suicide. … We’ve addressed bankruptcy, we’ve addressed alcoholism, this cast in particular. Massive lawsuits, foreclosure,” the attorney stated. “All kinds of serious s—t. We just happen to decide where that limitation is around upholding, I’m sorry, the white supremacy status quo. We don’t want to be challenged around that,” Eboni remarked.

Even though Ramona’s rampage destroyed the Black Shabbat dinner, Eboni said that she “would totally do it again.” Only next time, without the “Singer Stinger.”

“We do not have shared values around the issue of, basically shared humanity. I’m not going to ever put myself in a position to be embarrassed and hurt and disappointed by Ramona again,” Eboni shared. “So, that’s it for me. We can continue to do other things, but she’ll never be invited to another event that I throw.”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]